When you read a lot about it and apply the information to your life regularly and consistently, it will give you wings - of freedom, limitlessness, joy, and realization.
You will become more conscious and independent.
You will feel that life is simpler.
You will feel that you can easily achieve your dreams and live an amazingly great life without straining.

I know that when you read about it you will be enthusiastic.You have a dream and say:
„I wish I had known the manifestation process years ago!”
You will say:
„It's time to actively employ and create the life of my dreams! Yes, that's what I need right now!”

And you know what will happen next?

You will want to know more about the world and the universal laws governing the world.
You will want to learn more about yourself, change your life, and consciously formulate your dominant thoughts that lead to a new life.

New life? New you?


When you step on the path of manifestation and apply knowledge, you will not be who you were before.
You will experience a mental rise.
Doors will open in front of you.
The flow of wellbeing will be set in motion.

I interviewed 11 experts. You will find the interviews in the book.

And the story goes on...

In 2018 the next book will be published on the subject: Manifestation 101. 101 manifestation exercises are dreams for realization.


I'm waiting excitedly.

My heart is pounding louder when I think about going on. There is a plethora that we can choose from.

It is June 2017, and miracles of 2018 are already emerging.
Those miracles that were born on the path of Manifesto, in order to think and recognize the world.

If you want to get more information on the subject, check out these books.
For a week the Kindle version is only $0.99.

Author's Bio: 

Theresia Valoczy certified PLR Hypnotist, LOA coach, 1 # International Bestselling Author, Certified-in-Indigo-Studies, Indigo Card Reader. Author of How To Teach the Universal Laws To Children International Best Selling Book. In her work, she helps people to change their lives and manifest their dreams. Theresia coach female, young people to discover and find their passion, develop individuality. Her main aim is to teach people how to use their creative energy and the Universal Laws, Angel Guidance to complete their Life.

Theresia's aim to teach the people how to manifest their dreams and how to use the Universal Law in their Life.

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