By Satya

“This section collects messages donated by the Angels through channeling channelled by Satya, to accompany us on a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.
The purpose of these Messages is to help us to live happy here and now, in peace, totally free and in harmony with ourselves, with others, with everything around us.
These Messages are collected in books of Satya, disclosed by the Associação Cultural Suoni di Luce”.


Luminous Soul,

it is not easy to give a single definition of life.
Understanding of its meaning, its purpose, comes with living and, therefore, never ends.
As we wake up, we grow, we experiment, we discover new aspects of life, we understand new meanings, new purposes.
And understanding increases continuing the Journey.
Life is the journey that our Soul has chosen to grow, to evolve, to become more and more luminous.
It is a great means for a variety of purposes.
It is an opportunity for many things, including the wonderful chance to give Love and Light.
At the beginning of my Journey of growth, I was anxious to know what was the task I had, what my Soul had chosen to do and live on this journey, which was the goal that I had to reach.
I soon left the desire to know everything, because I understood that knowing is less important that learning how to live life in Love, Light, joy, and doing everything to give Love, Light, joy.
How my Angels taught me, I always feel in school and I see everything I live, as a continuous, unbroken lesson.
I know that I am living a wonderful adventure full of unexpected twists, and I try to live it as any adventure must be experienced: with new enthusiasm, with the ability to smile to everything that happens, grateful for everything I have, I get, I live, in total certainty that everything can makes me grow, it can help my Soul evolve.
Like a child, I try to live life like a game that continues to change, knowing that also playmates can change.
This way of thinking was instrumental, because in this way I give space to my inner little girl, who knows how to make playful, even school ...


Can you help me to see life as a game?


"With a bright, coloured ball, I come next to you, because with Me you can play and get to know more and more the colours of life.
Get my coloured ball in your hands and play.
The game will be more and more a chance of growth, because more and more you will understand that life is nothing more than a game, a game that the Soul has chosen to do with Us, to become prettier, brighter, to evolve.
For this, play as much as you can.
When something that doesn't give you joy, or something that takes away your joy, your peace happens, smile, and say:
– This is a game too, let’s smile and play – .
When your mind takes you to remember a past and its difficulties, or creates you fears for the future, it makes you look at what you have to do or live, tell her:
- Come on, let's play, don't stop there, these are games that my Soul has chosen, they are games that are part of the great game of Life, the game of Soul.
So you will help your heart to feel that life is just a game, and that I am always there, ready to play with you.
When mind whispers that what you're experiencing is something serious or sad, it is an important thing, tell her:
– My Angel is waiting for me to play with me -.
And then in the heart You will feel again the desire to play with Me.
And you can actually play this game with Me: imagine you have a ball in your hands and play with Me.
You can do it whenever you want, especially when you feel the mind wants to create obstacles, difficulties, in living everything as a game.
Remember that life is a game to erect, enlighten the Soul that the mind cannot understand, and, therefore, it will always recall you to the past or to the future.
In everything you do, in anything you live, use this expression:
– I'm playing for my Soul, that I'm living for my Soul, and so, I live it like a game, with lightness –.
And you can help yourself in this, really bringing into your house a coloured ball writing on it:
- Life is just a nice game -.
So that every time you enter your home, or when you are in your home, you can read and remember this, and then smile.
With Love I push you to play, because this is a training to be able to live everything and see everything just like a game.
By doing so, you train to be able to play to Life, to be able to live your entire Life like a great game and nothing more.
And you'll feel that every day is a collection of different games and that you can play with them.
Share whatever is in your heart, but in the end say:
– This too, is a game to raise, illuminate my Soul –.
This will help you a lot in all, because in this way you will know more and more how to play Life, you'll be able to see your daily routine just like a game, and thus you will remain serene.
In the morning, when you wake up, call Me, smiling and tell Me:
– Now I'll play for my Soul, to gladden my heart. Come with me because I want to play with You -.
And you will feel Me more and more as a playmate, and it will be great to play together all day long.
You will feel the excitement to discover new games, not knowing what game we will play until the evening.
And in everything you will live, you can say:
– This is a nice game too, this is part of the game of Life.
So the daily life will be much lighter and will never weary your heart.
If you look at emotions, expressions, as part of a game, they will never make you sad.
Playing is growing, and Soul has chosen a great game called 'Life', she chose to take a big journey, playing.
And playing, you will learn, you will grow up in joy.
Only the mind chose to transform everything into 'non game’.
If you feel and see this journey like a game, everything will be much easier, and especially you will rejoice to be a girl who can play with the most beautiful game, the one elevating the Soul.
And if you live this way, you will feel Me a lot more, you'll see Me playing with you, and you will find out how many games I bring to you, so that you can play, grow, evolve. "


How can I feel the enthusiasm of life?


"Remembering that life is a great adventure.
When you live this way, you will understand how the adventure is beautiful because it is an adventure.
Nothing is known before of an adventure, nothing is already planned, nothing is safe. This happens even though the Soul already knows the journey and everything that you will live in this adventure because she chose everything.
When you live Life like an adventure, you will be able to live in the rain, in the wind, in the sun, with the same joy, because anyway everything is part of the adventure.
So you can fully enjoy the adventure, because by that time there will be only the sun to warm, a gentle wind to caress you.
With Love I will help you to be ready to do anything, to be strong to live everything with joy.
You will savour the quiet, the rest, because even if the journey continues, it will not be as difficult as you feel it now.
It will be a sweet way, because you realize that to enjoy rest, peace, calm peacefully, we must not fear either the walk, or the lightning storms, or confusion.
Experiencing a thunderstorm, overcoming the difficulties that there are in each adventure, you will enjoy the peace as a warrior can enjoy it since he won the battle, and he will never more fear any battle, you will enjoy the rest as those who walked for a long time and overcome a lot of adversities.
If nothing new happens, no meeting takes place, be serene.
When in the day after a special meeting, or something particular happens, smiling with joy, detach from what you're living in that moment, to live everything as a great way to learn, to grow, to elevate the Soul. "


Why life is a school?


"Life is a beautiful school because everything you live can help you to know, learn and grow.
This way you will feel it, if every day you take the lesson that that day gives you, if you live what happens on that day as a lesson to learn, as a confirmation of what you have learned, an opportunity to experience it.
This is a special school: you study to act, act to learn, learn to teach, teach to learn.
No teaching is larger than the teaching of living, of experiencing.
In this school only what you learn and experience then you can actually explain and teach.
You can share what you lived, you can express the joy for the victories made, you can share your steps: this is already teaching.
Those who hear your words, can understand a lot from all you lived, how you lived it, and so they can choose more consciously as they can put in their footsteps, in their actions.
In this school learning and teaching never finish, that’s why tests, challenges, situations, events, meetings, continuously occur.
And after passing a class, you will be ready for another one.
Get your books in your hands and say:
– I simply entered another classroom –.
And I’ll bring you whatever you must live there to learn.
Always be alert, aware, in everything that happens within and around you, and you will pass quickly from classroom to classroom.
See before you the books of your life and feel that together we will browse them day by day.
Now you understand the daily life must be looked at carefully, because it is in the daily life that, together, we look through the books.
Sharing the daily life, feelings, intuitions, doubts, uncertainties, insights, and what you do not understand, will make you meet someone who will help you to understand, and to read those pages that might go unnoticed.
At the same time you can help others to browse their books, to observe carefully all that they live.
So, while as a student you learn, you teach as a teacher. While as a student you learn to browse your books with Me, you will teach others to browse their books.
While as a student you learn to read everything that happens as a lesson to learn, you will teach to read all the daily life, as lessons that the Soul has chosen to grow, to evolve. "


What is the purpose of the journey of Life?


"Not everything is equal for everyone, because everyone has a story.
Then everyone can choose a different way to live and to make this journey.
That's why the Past Life remains something the mind cannot know completely, and that only the heart can perceive.
For some people this life is also an opportunity to close something open in other journeys, for someone means to complete something started in other journeys, for someone is to heal, for someone is to transform, for someone is to dissolve.
For all is a means to grow and elevate the Soul.
Everyone had a story and has a history, everyone had duties and tasks, each person will have some tasks, everyone has chosen to act for the Soul, and to follow it.
And Soul chose this journey to rise, but also to love and help. "


What is the purpose of my life?


"When the Soul chooses to make a journey, this is to evolve, to climb higher and higher: this is the purpose that unites you.
And it was your Soul to choose everything you're living, what you have experienced.
This is forgotten at the beginning of the journey, because the Soul has chosen to live some experiences into unconsciousness, in the non knowledge, to learn and experience something.
When we understand, not with the mind, but with the heart, step by step, day after day, that everything is part of the big design that the Soul already knows and has chosen to live; when we are sure that what doesn't come is not essential for the Soul; when we understand that many obstacles the Soul chose to become even more beautiful, and we had the courage to overcome them, to face them, to transform them; when we understand that we are totally protected and then we live in abandonment, we do not suffer deeply and in a heartbreaking way anymore, we do not live despair, anguish, and all fears melt.
The lack of knowledge, of memories, are choices of the Soul, because they have created suffering, or have made live the experience with the pain that the Soul had chosen to live, to grow, to experiment, to evolve.
When the knowledge, the awareness comes, it means that part of the Path that the Soul had chosen to take to evolve has been already walked.
Then all what you live with a new awareness and knowledge, serves to become even brighter.
The task is Life itself, the aim is to allow the Soul to evolve, to grow.
When you meet someone who claims to have a special mission, a particular task, remember that anyway that heart, chose that mission to evolve its own Soul.
All you do, even for others, is a growing means for you, it's a means of evolution for your Soul.
So everything you live is 'special'.
Be serene, if you have this awareness now, if to this new acquaintance you have opened, is because so far you've been living your purpose, your task.
And serenity is in knowing to be in your place, at the right time, and in doing what the Soul has chosen.
If you hadn't gone through the program of your Soul, you wouldn't be here.
And remember that to come to this knowledge, you've already walked other lives in Luminous Trails."


Knowing I’m joined to the Whole creates some fear in me...


"Give this fear to Me, feel My Love that surrounds you.
Everything is combined. There is no separation, in nothing.
You are joined to those you don’t see, that are not in your thoughts, to those who are far from you, that are unknown to you.
And your Soul chose to join everything inside you.
Knowing this, make you feel the greatness of your Being, but also a responsibility in every expression of your Being, in every action.
Live this awareness only with the heart. If you allow the mind to enter, you will be afraid to be joined to anything that happens, even far from you.
Melt with Me this fear. It prevents you from feeling the greatness and beauty of it all.
Allow this greatness, the responsibility and the total expression to enter your heart, feeling the joy of being connected to the Light, beloved by the Whole.
Awakening, you took something that divided you by what surrounds you.
Imagine you removed a door from a wall separating two worlds, but the fear of these two variables, or to feel the void of the unknown, made you put it in its place again.
Give this door to Me, feeling that there is no reason to fear these two large spaces.
Without this door your mind won’t create any more fears, and you will get used to the unknown emptiness, discovering that in reality there are no voids but only countless beauties.
Around the place where the door was, now there are roses that are growing and that will make the separating wall crumble.
So is your Light: it can disrupt very old walls, it can gather much, it can gather you to the Whole.
When you do not understand what you are feeling or experiencing, say aloud:
– I’m in a world, in a space, immensely large, I can go into a space just as great, and, then, come back here again - .
And while you go and come back in these spaces, you reunite Past Lives and New ones, you reunite yourself with the Whole.
This going from one space to another, without knowing anything, requires abandonment, but will also bring you a great achievement, you will discover the delights that are there.
Every fear will vanish if this you do as a child, joyous, thinking of running in meadows, towards the sun, smiling, singing.
You'll feel so united with the Whole, you will hear everything inside you, you will feel that you are connected to earth and heaven, to the creatures living in the Heart, in the Sea, in the Sky.
All this will take you to an unimaginable joy, a peace now incomprehensible. "


My dad is there with you?


"It is difficult to understand what I'm saying now.
Beyond the reality you know, there is an immense Union where the Whole creates this Union, and there is no separation.
All the hearts pulsate in one beat, all the hearts are united in a single flame.
Although there are individual Units, they are separated by nothing and no one.
Notwithstanding the existence of the so called ‘diversity of evolution’, there is a Unique Whole.
It is not easy for us to explain with your words this Unity and this Individuality that exist simultaneously, because it is something that you feel, that you live, and there aren’t words that help to understand.
In silence, you can perceive other appearances beside you, other languages, and, for a moment, albeit short as a beat of wings, you can feel this Unit.
It’s separateness, it’s division that creates suffering, and this especially when you are separated from yourself, from your Essence.
If in silence you perceive something new, that can be a sound, a note, a presence, rejoice for this. You feel that you're letting go what leads to suffer: separation.
Now you can understand, in part, where's your dad, remembering that it is a free Soul, who can fly anywhere, even near you. "


How can I live well my individuality, my being alone?


"Living intensely the opposite: the union with the Whole, with everyone. Join your heart to the heart next to you, of those you meet in the journey. Live in total opening, share all your feelings and sensations.
Live rejoicing the togetherness, in all its expressions.
That's how you'll discover Uniqueness, and then you will understand Individuality.
You will learn to live alone, living with others, you'll find everything in you, giving everything you have, sharing everything.
Live the stay together in a pure way, with candid heart, combine your heart to the heart of those you meet, your Soul with the Souls who walk toward the Light.
Living so, you go beyond the need to stay with someone and you know the pleasure of being together.
So you learn to discover the Whole in yourself, to see the Whole in the heart of the people you meet.
It is like crossing a big river: if you don’t enter it you cannot touch the other side. So, by entering the total Union, merging with the Whole, you touch then the other side, which is Being Unique.
Each wave gives rise to another wave, and all the waves create the big sea. "


Naturally sharing our lives, as Angels urge us to do, isn’t just telling the steps taken, the achievements and victories, but sharing first of all what we often consider failures, mistakes, losses, steps not taken.
This is to help ourselves and others to understand that everything that we live is just a workout to act, it is a lesson to learn, it is experimenting in order to know, it is to learn how to accept with patience and compassion falls, relapses, failed attempts, remaining calm, holding the gaze to the goal.
This is also a guarantee to always remain humble, to feel to move from a learning classroom to a practicum classroom, and then again in new classrooms.
The practicum classrooms are those where we put what learned into practice.
These are the toughest classrooms, they are classrooms that need more humility, more patience, more consistency, more effort, more training, continuous attention, because that's where we cancel our habits, we melt our whole personality, created in lack of knowledge, as a defence, a protection, a reaction.
Only if, with patience, humility and compassion, we accept all of ourselves, we will accept, with infinite patience and compassion, all of those who walk beside us, who tend their hand to receive aid.
Since we don’t know anything about the way our Soul chose to live, to learn, to conquer, to donate, we cannot know the time required, the necessary means.
So we become companions of Light that illuminate everything, watching only the learned, the conquered, the victories, the steps taken by fellows, to rejoice and celebrate together.
We become humble, loving and patient wanderers, who can accompany and support the adventure of life.
We become children who play the game of life serene and joyful, day after day, without thinking about tomorrow, without remembering the past, abandoned in the arms of the Angels.

Author: Satya

Extract from the book: I am beside you

In addition to these books we have published 22 small-ebook:

Author's Bio: 

Satya is a holistic therapist and counselor who has operated for many years in Italy.
Moreover, Satya is Reiki Master and channeler for more than 22 years and made channeling and Reiki courses in a lot of parts of Italy.
Has accompanied most people in a Path of personal and spiritual growth.
For more than 20 years, is accompanying a group in a Path of growth.
From some years, has chosen to live a simple and retired life in African continent to continue the Journey of Life towards themselves and to prepare themselves for a New.
Satya has chosen the pseudonym so that each can feel her only as a Soul in Walk.
The messages donated by the Angels have changed her life and helped many people.
Furthermore, can accompany in a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.
For this Satya feels as her 'task' to divulge these messages.