People find it easier most times to stay on the surface, when speaking with me…
They just want to talk about business growth strategies and how to get their books out there or art or music or products or whatever…
Even though I know that I could give them the magic bullet strategy every single minute of every single day but without internal clarity and wholeness, there is no way they will take consistent action on the strategy…
It will seem like a good idea…
They will get excited as they consider this new path that they had not considered before…
And then they will go home, try it maybe once, not get an immediate response because they tried it a little fearfully and also because they did it ONLY ONCE! (Or worse, they will allow the fear to win and NOT try it at all!)
And then they will be out looking for the next amazing strategy that will make them known, rich and feeling awesome in three seconds flat!
Silly but people do it!
And then they trip onto one of my #ChurchofRNK videos and realise that there is more to the picture than meets the eye!
HOney, don’t be normal people…
Don’t avoid the work of loving your insides fully and completely…
It will simply make you avoid doing the external work because there will be a part of you that does not feel worth it…
And you only feel that way because you have not taken the time to learn to feel worthy.
You think it should just happen.
The only thing that ever just happens, is the bad stuff!
The great stuff is created deliberately!
You think the internal work is irrelevant because you managed to get your boring career off the ground without it…
And yet, you go year upon year, waiting and hoping that your true vision will come to pass and it does not because there is all this stuff that you are avoiding working out. And your true vision demands a lot more from you than some boring old job you do just to pay the bills!
And in the case of getting the privilege of serving the people you feel called to serve, that privilege is reserved for the bold, the brave ones that do the internal healing work over and over and over again so that they are free to do the external work.
The privilege of living out your calling is reserved for those who work with mentors, coaches who help you see your blind spots and teach you how to manage them…
They used to be called healers & prophets once upon a time and they would give you direction and clarity by referring to their ‘secret’ arts…
And also, you would have apprenticed with people in the community who had already done what you wanted to do…
And you would have paid or bartered with each of these people to help you out so perish the thought that any of it was ever free!
So honey, are you a history maker?
Willing to do what it takes to serve the people you feel called to serve?
Ready to deliberately design a life of fulfilment and freedom and wealth?
Or are you just a talker? Someone who stays on the surface and never does the deep internal work so that you are free and clear to do the external work that creates results…
You have a vision, a powerful vision of who you want to be and what you want to create…
You have experiences, history that can impact others for good…
You know you are born to go big!
then stop being the same as everyone else and do the internal work!
Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live
Because you want to
PS — Handle your internal blocks!
Here is my bestselling book — The FREEDOM Book — for free — go get it at and use it to pinpoint the areas of your life where you are blocked up and unable to break free. It will help you take action for freedom
Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online
Get her freedom book now at
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