The Importance Of Having A Financial Vision

Do you have a vision for your financial future? Where do you see yourself financially in the next 3-5 years?

If you don't have a vision for your financial future you will never reach it.
You will be in the same situation or worst 3-5 years from now, instead of being financially free and out of those financial bondages in your life.

This is why having a vision for your financial future is so important.

If you don't have a true vision for financial freedom, you will never achieve it. It is one thing to think about being financially free, it a whole other thing to experience it.

The objective of this article is to set a vision before you so can see that it is possible to have and achieve financial freedom in your life and to start the process towards financial freedom.

Why Is A Financial Vision So Important?

Vision has everything to do with how you see a thing.

Vision is a mental picture, a mental image.
Vision is something that starts on the inside.
It starts inwardly then it comes outwardly.

So the first question I want you to examine is:

What is the vision (the mental picture) that you have for your financial future?

You need to spend sometime thinking about that!

We need to have a vision for what we want our money to do for us.
I want you to know that you can have a financial vision wherever you are right now!

It doesn't make a difference how much money you make...if you don't have a vision for it, your money will never be able to do for you... what you want it to do!

Again, it one thing to think about being financially free, it is another thing to do something about it (Action Steps).

You have to have a plan and goals that are going to help you get to where you desire to be financially. This is your Financial G.P.S. and your financial road map.

If you don’t have any plans and goals for your finances, you will be in the same place 3-5 years from now, wishing, hoping, and praying for a financial miracle.

Let me share this with you....There is no such thing as a “financial miracle” without any action...the scripture says, "Faith without works (corresponding action) is dead!

So let's begin the process to get a financial vision for your finances and your life!!

Author's Bio: 

About Dr. Mike Jackson

Founder, Connect2Success Coaching & Training
Certified Personal Life Success Coach
Certified Life Breakthrough Coach
Pastor, Author/Motivational Speaker


B.B.A.-Business Administration
B.S-Bus. Managment
D.Min-Christian Counseling