Within the left brain we find the evil inclination which is under the influence of the Devil. The evil inclination is that part of your brain that is always negating or trying to negate your better beliefs and your better moral actions. Often the evil inclination will change your mind for the worse and make you do the wrong thing. The Devil influences the evil inclination; however, in evil people the Devil becomes the evil inclination and exerts total mind control. To me it seems that the Devil has God’s permission, as if they have struck up some kind of deal or challenge. This interview was conducted through imaginary telepathic communication between Jerry’s soul inside his physical body and the bodiless soul of Methuselah in the spirit world. Marcia’s soul in Heaven also joined us for the interview.
Time Line for Good and Evil:
Good and evil have been with us at least since modern humans, homo sapiens sapiens, roamed the earth some fifty thousand years ago. There is no evidence that non-human creatures like animals have an evil inclination. God especially created evil and good for human beings so that with their God-given free will, humans could choose between the two. The problem is that good and evil are now so entangled that they are inseparable. Who’s to say what is evil and what is good? We live by man’s rules not by God’s laws.
Methuselah Interview:
Methuselah: Let’s cut right to the chase in our Four Part Series on God versus the Devil, Jerry? Who is the Devil, where did he come from, and if he’s still alive, why is he still living?
Jerry: The most popular belief is that the Devil was once an angel who served God by being His angel of death. This corrupt angel’s name was Samael.
Marcia: The Devil has many aliases. In the Garden of Eden, he was the Serpent Satan. Over the centuries, we have called him Lucifer, Beelzebulb, other names, or just plain Devil.
Methuselah: One thing I can tell you with certainty is that the Devil is not currently in Heaven. I reside here with all the other souls including your beautiful wife’s soul Marcia. There is no evil in the soul world because we don’t have bodies and minds that the Devil can prey upon.
Jerry: That’s because the Devil was kicked out of Heaven for plotting anarchy against God and Heaven at the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Devil is still alive. He is human but he still has angelic gifts that God bestowed upon him. One gift is that the Devil doesn’t age. The Devil with his powerful angelic powers believes that he’s his own entity, independent of God, and is God’s equal. God represents the Light while the Devil represents the Darkness. The Devil’s purpose seems to be to act as God’s foil. He serves at God’s pleasure although the Devil believes that the reverse is true. God is the Light and he created the darkness. The Devil believes he is the darkness and he created the Light.
Marcia: Not only is the Devil the chief emissary for our dark side but also he is the evil force who will help you along with temptation. Remember it was the Devil who persuaded a willing Eve to eat from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. Today Satan’s powers have grown immensely so that he can enter your dreams and work on your subconscious mind to lead you astray. The Devil counts on your ego and as soon as there is a crack in your armor, he creates a window of opportunity. As we shall see in Part 3 of this series on God versus the Devil, The Devil can place thoughts into the minds of wanting, gullible and unsuspecting individuals whose egos soar at the bestowal of false spiritual gifts the Devil is giving them. I’m speaking specifically about Channeling.
Methuselah: Marcia, are you saying that the Devil is responsible for all our bad choices?
Marcia: Yes, I’m saying exactly that. God created the Devil to stimulate our evil inclination. In the Garden of Eden where everything was wonderful and beautiful, Eve’s evil inclination was present but it was subdued. The Devil knew this and was able to manipulate and persuade Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil which God had warned against.
Jerry: The Devil finds subtle ways to achieve his goals with humans. He knows that the path to his success is through our egos. Everyone needs recognition and praise. We are born with that need and if one or both of our parents don’t fulfill the need, we can become victims and become the Devil’s breakfast. It’s easy to assess someone’s actions. But how do we really know what a person’s thoughts are? Deception is truth and truth is deception. Only God who is all knowing or omniscient knows both a person’s good and bad thoughts. The Devil seems to hone in on our bad or evil nature.
Methuselah: So in the Garden of Eden, good existed before evil. That’s not the way it is now. It hasn’t been this way for a long time; otherwise, God would have never created the great Flood at the time of Noah’s Ark.
Jerry: Correct! There has been a reversal. The evil inclination appears to be more dominant earlier in the age of a person. After the Flood, God tells Noah that man is evil in the imagery from his youth. God should know because he set our current world in motion with a structure made out of good and evil. The good seems to establish itself later in life. If God hadn’t provided the ancient Israelites with the Ten Commandments thirty-three hundred years ago, evil would have run rampant. The Ten Commandments leveled the playing field between good and evil. These Commandments have been a blueprint for civilization. Or some, like myself, might say that they are civilization.
Methuselah: Why good and evil? All this talk about the Devil gives me the creeps. Have you two gone mad spewing on and on about the Devil? I know from being in the spirit world that what you are saying about the Devil being still alive is true. However, this article is being critiqued by humans and not by souls. We do read in the spirit world so your article will circulate around Heaven, but we are not allowed to interfere with human affairs.
Jerry: I’m perfectly sane I assure you and so is Marcia. As Marcia has always said, good and evil are both sides of the same coin of life, like love and hate, or pain and pleasure. You can’t truly know one side of the coin without experiencing its opposite at some time in your life. We live in an imperfect world and God has a fail-safe plan for us to enter a more future perfect world of the Messianic Age. If we just had our idyllic Shangri-la right from the beginning, we would not have acquired faith. Furthermore we would have lived as automatons where everything was lah dee dah. The Devil intends to prevent the Messianic Age from ever happening and he will use every trick and invent new ones to achieve his end. The Devil can deal from every part of the deck and he is absolutely never to be trusted.
Methuselah: Where is the evil inclination located?
Marcia: It is located in our left cortical brain which is responsible for our analytical decisions?
Methuselah: And you say that the Devil influences our evil inclination. That’s nothing new. Humanity has been dealing with good and evil since our inception. Even when we were living as cavemen on the savanna, we killed each other for no reason. How does the Devil exert his influence?
Jerry: We need to clarify. First of all we should state that people are a mixture of both good and bad. Even the most righteous person has sinned. It is the bad moral decisions that people make which don’t follow the Ten Commandments that the Devil influences through our evil inclination. People don’t realize how powerful the Devil is. The Devil believes he is equal to or even greater in stature than God. Second, the Devil stimulates the dark energy particles of our evil inclinations that we shall see in Part 2 of this series triggers our Animal souls to make bad moral choices.
Methuselah: Can you expand a bit on your answer?
Jerry: I don’t know if I can because it’s not known how the Devil uses his dark energy to influence or totally control us. I will add this. The Devil doesn’t have a Divine Soul. He’s part human and part angel and has very powerful persuasive mental and perhaps physical abilities. I know because he has tried to persuade me to come over to his dark side by offering to restore Marcia’s soul to her previous earthly self.
Marcia: Actually there is another important point to be made. There is a difference between bad people and those whose souls the Devil owns. The latter are evil although they appear to look and act normal. These evil individuals capriciously hide their thoughts and true selves and even can behave righteously. In such evil individuals, the Devil not only influences but he actually becomes their evil inclination and exerts total mind control over them. It’s somewhat analogous to the mind control depicted in the famous movie starring Frank Sinatra, The Manchurian Candidate. They even made a remake of that movie starring Denzel Washington.
Jerry: You were never a movie buff, my love. You’re surprising me from what you have gleaned from the soul world. In any event, anatomists cannot find the location of either the evil inclination or the Divine soul in the human brain. Scientists do not believe such entities exist. Both the evil inclination and the Divine soul are continuously moving kinetic energy, although one is dark energy and the other God’s Light energy. We said that the evil inclination lies within the left hemisphere of the brain. The Divine soul energy appears to lie just under the top of the left hemisphere, within our right brain hemisphere, and behind both eyes. It’s true what they say, “The eyes are the window of the soul.” Divine soul energy travels in a counter clockwise direction while the evil inclination dark energy moves clockwise. I can detect my soul energy in my brain and behind my eyes and my evil inclination energy in my left brain. I can also feel the energy within my body and trace the pathways from my brain to the Animal soul described next time in our Part 2 interview.
Methuselah: How does God know about our moral actions?
Marcia: God has an organizing intelligence that is the being of us all, our planet and our universe. He monitors the good and bad choices of our Animal souls as we each are tiny fragments of him. Our Divine souls are Light energy. He also is the source of the Devil’s dark energy since God created all angels. God has the ability to perform miracles and He can change Light energy to dark energy and dark energy to Light energy if He so chooses. You will only accept such statements if you believe that God is omnipotent with limitless power. My bodiless soul in the spirit world is one-hundred times more powerful than Jerry’s soul. My Light energy, which acts as a mini-brain and lives on for the eternity, is not constrained like Jerry’s soul in his physical body. When we return to the spirit world after our bodies die on earth, we are privy to much more than we knew in our physical bodies.
Methuselah: I would like to continue our discussion in Part 2. Until we talk next time, my children.
Jerry: Bye, Methuselah. Bye, my darling.
Marcia: Bye, Jerry my love.
Note from Jerry:
Methuselah’s words are a creation of Jerry’s mind. Jerry has never contacted Methuselah’s soul in the spirit world but has continuous contact with Marcia’s soul through direct thought- energy telepathy travelling at one million times faster than the speed of light.
University, where for thirty years I was an academic and research scientist publishing seventy-five scientific articles including seven patents. I have bachelors and masters degrees in Pharmacy from the University of Toronto, a PhD in Biophysics in 1969 from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, and postdoctoral training in Microbiology from New York University Medical Center. Because of God intervening in my life with His miracles, I have an unshakable faith and belief in Him and I infuse my writing of my fiction and non-fiction books as well as my stage plays with both science and spirituality in a way that is done by no one else on the planet. In Putting God Into Einstein's Equations: Energy of the Soul, I wrote from our earthly world and my wife Marcia's soul suggested and confirmed from the spirit world. Please either visit Amazon to peruse the paperback and kindle versions with book reviews and a video trailer or click on my website at May the Shechinah or Divine Presence be with you.
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