Many times, those who have family or friends who suffer from spasticity only see the outside effects. This is sometimes true of the sufferers as well. They feel the pain, they see the pain, but they do not always consider the emotional consequences, which can often be just as devastating - and sometimes more so - than the physical consequences.

In fact, emotions can sometimes play a role in how well a person responds to treatment. Those who are down and depressed may not get as much out of the physical therapy sessions as someone who is able to maintain a positive outlook, for example.

What Is the Effect on Personal, Social, and Work Life?

First, let's consider the way that spasticity can affect a person's personal, social, and work life, as well as how this will in turn affect their emotional state. Because this condition reduces a person's mobility and motor skills, it means that they will not often be able to do the same things that they once did, at least not as easily. Something as simple as dancing, playing a game, or holding a child or grandchild is now not possible.

This can cause people to withdraw from doing the things that they once enjoyed, and it can put a huge damper on any type of social life. When it comes to work, the problems are just as evident. Many people find that they simply can't do the work that they once did. This makes them feel useless and helpless in many cases.

It is important to find things that you do enjoy and that you can still do. Find new ways to enjoy certain things, and above all, keep a positive mental outlook as much as you possibly can. This goes a long way toward improving your overall enjoyment out of life and those who share it with you.

What Is the Effect on Family and Friends?

Now, let's look at how this can affect family and friends from a couple of different angles. First, consider the person suffering from the condition. He or she may feel as though he is no longer the same person he once was, and this can cause him to withdraw from others, as mentioned above. Doing so pulls him away from family and friends who will generally want to be there and provide support.

It is also important to consider the point of view of the family and friends who are looking at their loved one who is now suffering from spasticity. Many people simply do not know how to react in these instances.

They do not know how to treat the sufferer, and this
can cause them to withdraw as well. It can also make some feel as though they need to walk on eggshells around the person and be careful of what they do or say.

While the circumstances of life might have changed quite a bit, that's no reason to pull away. Instead, it benefits both parties to learn more about the condition and the things they can do to help make it better, or at least a little more bearable. Find other ways to interact and still spend plenty of time with one another. After all, it's not about the things that you do together in the end. It's about spending time with one another and providing friendship and support through life.

What Effect Does It Have on Caregivers?

It is also very important to think about spasticity from the perspective of the caregivers who are taking care of their loved ones at home or in a facility. Caring for a loved one with this condition can be extremely draining both physically and emotionally.

This is particularly true for those who have severe spasticity and who cannot move very much on their own. It is certainly hard to see someone in this condition. The caregiver will need to provide help with grooming and bathing in some cases, and even eating, not to mention at home physical therapy sessions.

Sometimes people burn out no matter how much they love and care for the person. They simply do not have the time and energy they need to provide all of the care, and it can lead to bitterness beneath the surface, even though most would never admit to it. The patient often feels as though they are a burden too. If possible, it is a good idea to enlist some help from other friends and family members so that the primary caregiver does not have to do everything on his or her own.

In the event that family members are not available to help, there is always the possibility of hiring someone from the outside to come in and help. This can be an expensive proposition, but hiring someone for just one or two days a week can provide the primary caregiver with enough time to recharge their batteries.

Even though it might sometimes seem as though you are making no progress, everyone involved - patient, family, and friends - needs to stay as upbeat as possible. It will help everyone in the end.

Author's Bio: 

Helping families and loved ones understand care after a stroke or brain injury and assisting the injured in rehabilitation and safety is a passion of the author,

Review a copy of author's Kindle ebook short read, Understanding Spasticity tips for living with spasticity, understanding causes, symptoms, effects, emotional consequences of spasticity, realistic goals, Exercises, Treatment Options plus long-term outlook long-term with Spasticity … , Rehabilitation exercises, on Amazon, Click Here .

Leon Edward who has spent over three decades successfully living with effects as spasticity, foot drop, hemiparesis after traumatic brain injury being shot in the head and neck.

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