"To the observer, the plant is caught in Autumn's deathlike grip. Leaves and fruit wither and fall, the stalk bends or breaks. But beneth these decaying remains lies the promise, the seed, the bridge from cycle to cycle. It can wait, slumbering peacefully at the winter's breast." The Lunar Cycles ~ Philip Levine
At the New Moon a conception occurred http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-new-moon-phase-the-pote... at the Crescent the new life quickened in the womb http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-crescent-moon-phase-bre... ~ at the First Quarter we announced the upcoming birth http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-first-quarter-moon-phas... ~ at the Gibbous we took care of all the little details as we waited http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-gibbous-moon-phase-prob.... ~ at the Full Moon we became aware that we couldn’t do this alone http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-full-moon-phase-awarene... ~ then during the Disseminating we interacted with others and gained clarity. http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-disseminating-moon-phas.... At the Fouth Quarter you acknowledged the truth of the situation and now you enter the fading light of the Balsamic Moon http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-fourth-quarter-phase-mo....
This last Lunar phase is a time for rest and retreat. Whether that means reflecting on the past, actively pursuing options that had been put aside earlier or just waiting, depends on the individual. The time can be used as a bridge to the future or a dead end. These three or four days of each month are for rest and withdrawal from the outer world. We cease striving, grieve losses and let things come to an end ~ which of course can be very confusing and difficult for some individuals.
Continuing with the example used in previous Moon Phase articles ~ during the New Moon Phase your dream of a new job became a goal. In the Crescent Phase the realization of what that could mean raised all the doubts you have about yourself. At the First Quarter Phase you acted confidently, made a commitment and told others of your decision. In the Gibbous Phase you looked into the jobs available. During the Full Moon Phase you submitted resumes, went on interviews and had a realization. During the Disseminating Phase you began to actively promoting yourself, which led to the Fourth Quarter where you either attained the new job or got a better understanding of what it will take to do so.
Now in the Balsamic phase you cease striving.
If you retained the new job, this is the period of time when you reflect on the past as you say good-by to old co-workers, clean out your desk and look to the future.
However, if you didn't land the job, the experience has taught you something. So don't feel lost or disappointed.. While you will cease striving, you will also reflect back on the past few weeks, explore options and look to the future.
The Balsamic is the last phase of the Lunar cycle but it is not the end it is also the bridge to the next cycle. For it is in the quiet of the last Lunar phase that the seed of the next New Moon is to be found.
Each of the 8 Lunar Phases lasts just under 4 days. During the Balsamic Phase the Moon is waning (decreasing in light) and moves from 315 back to conjoin the Sun. The Moon rises late and steadily loses its light until it entirely disappears at the New Moon.
If you were born during the Balsamic Moon phase your focus is on the future. You may even have premonitions and be able to foresee events. You are likely to believe that fate has an important role in your life. And though your impulse is toward the future you might also often experience confusion about your future direction. Learn to quiet your rational logical left brain and listen to and trust your intuition ~ its probably right on. It's often said that those born during the Balsamic phase are living a finishing up and letting go lifetime, and for this reason will have a lot of people enter and leave their lives.
A cycle is a sequence of events with a repeating nature ~ a pattern with a beginning and an end. But time is infinite so it should also be understood that there is always a "before the beginning" and an "after the end". A new cycle does not begin or end in a void. Each new cycle grows out of the old cycle ~ and ends carrying the seeds of the next..
The Moon is an effective teacher of process and a wonderful timing guide. The monthly Solar/Lunar cycle is the archetypal cycle, and in my thinking ~ the basis of all of astrology. In future articles I will write about he Progressed Lunation Cycle, how to use the eight phases of the Moon to better understand the signs of the zodiac, the astrological aspects, as well as other planetary transits and cycles.
Patricia Lantz, is a practicing astrologer and hypnotherapist living in Atlanta, Georgia. She is a former www.StarIQ.com columnist, currently writes as the Atlanta Astrology Examiner and is the astrology editor at www.allthingshealing.com ~ an online community for spiritual and healing practices. Patricia invites you to follow her on Examiner.com as she examines life on this small planet through the mediums of astrology, hypnotherapy and other related topics http://www.examiner.com/x-2766-Atlanta-Astrology-Examiner. You may e-mail Patricia at lifescript@comcast.net, or for information about the services she offers visit her home on the web at www.astrology-hypnotherapy.com
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