“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein
This quote is so simple yet so powerful for it’s absolutely true: Happiness and seeing the magic in even the smallest of things is a state of mind, and everyone has the power to switch their own “Magic Button” on at any time they want.
The truth is: we are all born with this “Magic Button” switched on. As kids we find joy and happiness in the simplest of things. We can run around, play with flowers, make necklaces out of daisies and feel like a princess when we wear them. We make our wishes when we blow off the seeds of a dandelion and know they will come true. We climb on trees, fall off again, lie on the grass, gaze up to the clouds and marvel at their forms and puffiness. We imagine what it would be like to sit on a cloud or dance on one. At night we look at the stars and imagine living on one. Our parents think we have imaginary friends but we know so much better.
When does all this stop? Once we start worrying too much. Worrying destroys every magic we have in our lives. Let’s not worry, let’s be who we used to be. Let’s keep our inner child happy. Let’s all be like Peter Pan! But how can we do that?
Your mind is incredibly powerful and with a little bit of daily training you can completely switch your mindset so that you too can catch all those magical moments you simply didn’t perceive before because you were so caught up in just seeing the negative and stressful aspects in your life.
So, how to switch this “Magic Button” back on?
Believe in yourself
“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Sounds very basic but it’s so true. How can you look for beauty outside if you don’t see the beauty inside of yourself? You will always be looking for external approval and you will be wasting precious time. Time where you could be day dreaming about your next big project or a new hobby you want to learn. Fact is, when we believe in ourselves and our abilities, possibilities become endless. We become creative, we dare to dream, we dare to grow, we dare to share our visions and not being scared of being ridiculed for them.
It always all starts with a dream, a vision or an idea. The difference between those who believe in themselves and those who don’t is: those who believe in themselves, believe they can achieve anything and their dreams, visions and ideas will be manifested in record speed. Just look around you for a few minutes. All the things you will see once were in someone’s mind before it was created. If that someone didn’t believe he/she could create it, you wouldn’t be seeing it right now in front of you.
And Action!
“Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Like on a movie set when the film director shouts “aaaand action” we are our own life’s directors. We can act in so many different ways and influence our life’s outcome. How you act each time will result in a specific outcome.
Therefore it is incredibly important to be aware of in which state we are when we start acting. Are you acting out of love, compassion and understanding? Then your action will always have magic, grace and power and will result in a greater good. When you act out of love, you will not only feel good, but you will automatically inspire others to do the same, that’s the beauty of it. Love always attracts more love. It can’t be any other way.
Or do your actions stem from your ego, which is fear based and judgemental? We often discard possibilities in our lives out of fear. “I won’t apply for that job because I’m not good enough”, or “I won’t leave my partner even though I feel miserable in this relationship out of fear of being alone”, or “I’m too old to start over now or to learn something new and make any changes in my life”.
When we act based on our fears we will keep attracting the same fear based patterns into our lives. We attract the same kind of people and situations over and over again. But I tell you now: It’s time to step out of this and start becoming who you really are. We are never too old to change who we are and change our lives around!
Wake up in the morning with the idea “just for today I do not worry” and act upon it. Don’t be afraid – there is magic waiting for you just around the corner, but if you don’t step outside of your comfort zone you won’t even see it’s there waiting for you...
Magic of Synchronicity
The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, defines synchronicity as "a meaningful coincidence of outer and inner events that are not causally related." In fact it was Jung who coined the word synchronicity. Jung speaks of a collective unconscious, a universal pool of knowledge, independent of culture and belonging to us all. Picture it like this: We are all swimming in the same waters and can feel the reverberation of each other's movements as we are all riding the same waves.
Now you wonder what all this really means and how it can be seen as magical. Well, have you ever missed a plane and then sat next to someone in the next flight who you deeply fell in love with? Have you ever bumped into someone while on holiday and it turned out the person lives in your same building and a great friendship started? Have you ever felt that things are mysteriously put into place for you? You keep meeting people at the right time who help you with whatever you needed help with? Coincidence or Synchronicity?
I have so many stories that involve synchronicity that I should devote one entire blog entry just on these stories. But the most recent meaningful one was this one:
I was living in Bangkok/Thailand and my boyfriend at that time had just come to visit for a month. We were few months away from getting married and settling down in Europe. The months and weeks prior to his arrival I had been receiving so many strange signs about this relationship coming to an end but I had never paid too much attention to these. I had met 2 Buddhist monks in a plane on my way back from Yangon/Burma to Bangkok when one read my hand and said: “you are in a relationship, but this relationship is no good, very karmic. You will soon meet someone else. He will make you happy. You are a very special person and will bring light to this world.” They kissed my hands and gave me a few presents and money, and more presents for my mum for giving birth to such a “special” child. I left that plane thinking I was in a weird movie! But these kind of things kept happening to me a lot without me looking for any of it.
The fact is: my relationship did end right there in Bangkok few days before his departure back to Europe and I was shocked, devastated and feeling lost even though it was me who had ended it which shocked me even more because I was in love with him until the very last minute.
Only few days later I met Betty, a fifty something year old American woman. I was still feeling shocked and sitting in a bistro eating when she arrived and a mutual friend introduced us. She started talking about Vietnam and I suddenly remembered that I had booked a flight there to Hanoi for a few days to renew my Visa for Thailand. I had completely forgotten about that trip and felt so miserable I had to fly there all alone. Then Betty asked me: “Do you mind if I join you”? I looked at her quite astonished as we had just met but she seemed great so I immediately agreed.
Betty not only showed up at the exact right time, she also cheered me up the entire trip, we laughed tears on many occasions. She completely took care of me in a time when I needed it the most and on top of it she also is an incredibly intuitive person. As I was feeling lost and didn’t even know where to move to after Bangkok, all I knew was that I needed to move back to Europe, she confidently said: “I can see you being very successful in Geneva/Switzerland.
Well, guess what: I moved to Geneva and everything fell into place. I met the right people, found the right places to rent for my healing activities and found the right courses that allowed me to become a certified health practitioner in Switzerland. I met old friends and made many new ones. I now feel completely at home. Betty keeps track of me on Facebook and when she saw my success she wrote: “I saw that coming, didn’t I”? Yes, Betty, you did! I thank you and all the other “Betty’s” out there who arrive at just the right time into our lives, who give us hope in times where we need it, who support us and say exactly the things we need to hear in order to move forward confidentially...
I’m sure many of you had similar stories of people who showed up at the exact right time. If you do, please share with me! I find these synchronistic encounters truly magical and in fact I have so many of these!
What I want to say here is: you can live your life and take everything and everyone for granted. Or you can see the magic behind each and every encounter in your life. The way I see it: we all meet for a purpose. We all have a message to share, a lesson to teach or a lesson to learn. When I meet someone new I always know I will either learn something or teach something. And those people who hurt us the most are ironically the best teachers in our lives and I’m grateful to each one of them for without these lessons I wouldn’t be who I am today. So, as you can see: every encounter with someone new is truly magical for me.
The magic of Love
“There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved: It is God's finger on man's shoulder.”
Charles Morgan (English novelist, 1894-1958)
Let’s be honest: is there anything more magical than loving and being loved? I’m not only talking about romantic love but about any form of love. All we need to do is open our hearts fully and not being scared of loving someone or showing who we really are deep down.
Unfortunately many times loving and being loved is in disbalance. I know many people who are great in giving love but are so scared of being loved back. I used to be like that. I just didn’t know how to be loved, it felt strange to me and only recently I understood why that was. When we don’t love ourselves first we most likely also will never be able to believe that others can truly love us.
Then there are those who mistake love with ego. These are the people who are overly possessive and jealous for instance. People who feel so insecure that they constantly need their partner’s approval. They are so scared of losing their loved one for whatever reasons that they create all sorts of limitations and fear and ego driven behaviours which will just burden the relationship.
The way I see it, love is magic and is about feeling connected. You can connect on many different levels but for me the deepest connection is at the soul level and this is what I always try and connect with. I always fall in love with whomever I connected at a soul level. I’m not only in love with my family, my best friends, but also with most of my regular patients who come for healing. Sometimes all it takes is a few minutes of looking into someone’s eyes to connect and to fall in love. By looking deep into someone’s eyes I can feel their essence, their fears, their vulnerabilities. I don’t look for perfection: in fact it’s the vulnerabilities I fall in love with first. We don’t need to be perfect to be loved.
Just try this when you meet your friends or new people. Many times we look into each other’s eyes without connecting or trying to see deeper. Don’t just look into someone’s eyes, but through them. Eyes are magic portals and I promise you that you will start seeing a lot of magic!
Words as Magic
“Words and magic were in the beginning one and the same thing.”
Sigmund Freud
Words, whether in written form or spoken can carry so much magic. It’s so important that we choose wisely what we want to share. Words can sometimes hurt us more than any weapon or physical pain. Words can flow right through to our hearts and soul and either light up our entire being or drag us down completely.
Be aware of the state you are in when you speak – be aware of the words you use, be aware of the sarcasm in your voice, the anger or the hatred. When you are in any of these states, better refrain from talking at all. Calm yourself first, find your centre and only then try and have a meaningful conversation.
On the other hand when we hear or read beautiful words in poetry, in song lyrics, in romantic love declarations, don’t we feel so inspired? Don’t you all feel your hearts dancing? I do and I cherish these magical moments!
Magic in the HERE and NOW
One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon-instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows today.”
Dale Carnegie (American author, 1888-1955)
A lot has been written on this topic. There is a whole new trend emerging about living in the here and now. There is mindfulness meditation, there are famous books, like “the power of now” by Eckhard Tolle and an endless information pool on the internet about it.
But still it seems most of us just don’t know how to live in the moment. We don’t know how to stop worrying about future events or regret the many mistakes we committed in the past. We constantly believe the grass is greener somewhere else and that everybody else has more luck than we do. But why is is so difficult to just stop for a second and realise that what we have right now is more than enough? Why can’t we be grateful for the little things we already have and above all for being alive right now. Why can’t we get up each morning and sing and be happy that a new day has started?
There is no moment more precious and magical than the NOW, for it’s the only real moment you will ever have. The past is gone, the future is not there yet. All you really have is the NOW and by living the NOW in a grateful and worryless state of mind will allow you to perceive magic here and now, right away!
The magic of your thoughts
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
Albert Einstein
I love Albert Einstein’s quote. Everything is energy – every single thought you have is energy. Every thought you have will create a different energy field around you. If you have happy and positive thoughts you will create the same energy field around you and thus attract more of the same type of people and situations into your life. Need a reality check? Look around you at who your friends are or the people you interact with. Are they mostly depressed, negative, too materialistic, sarcastic or paranoid? Chances are you attracted them into your life based on your own realities.
Therefore, be aware of each and single thought. It’s normal that we get upset or angry from time to time. But if these negative feelings seem to be a constant in your life, chances are that you are not in control of your thoughts but are being controlled by them and are frequently creating undesirable outcomes in your life.
If on the other hand you manage to control your thinking patterns, you will also be shifting your emotions and actions into more positive and loving dimensions and will attract more of the good things into your lives. As Albert Einstein said: It can be no other way! You (and only you) create your own reality. You have the ability to make it a magical one!
Magical Books
“A book is made from a tree. It is an assemblage of flat, flexible parts (still called "leaves") imprinted with dark pigmented squiggles. One glance at it and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, the author is speaking, clearly and silently, inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of distant epochs, who never knew one another. Books break the shackles of time, proof that humans can work magic.”
Carl Sagan
I completely agree with the above quote. Ever since I learned how to read I have been reading hundreds of books. When I lived in Brazil as a teenager my complete family thought I was not normal when I preferred to stay in my room for 3 days to finish an especially great book. But is there anything more magical than reading? You drift off to different time eras, different characters, different countries and scenes and different points of views.
I always found it magical that someone had such a great imagination and creativity and was able to put it all into written words. My favourite bookstore is Waterstones in the UK. I could spend days and days in there browsing their books.
Isn’t it true that nowadays people are more obsessed with huge flat screen televisions and each household has more than just one tv which run all day long? Kids nowadays grow up in front of the television or playing video games instead of playing outside or reading books.
Make it a daily habit to read at least a few pages. Or if you are into writing yourself, make it a regular habit to write something. I decided to not have a television and I don’t miss it at all. Instead I find tons of other more meaningful things to do and keep myself inspired on a daily basis by either reading or writing something.
For now I’m only blogging from time to time and I don’t even know if I manage to inspire anyone. But I inspire myself when I write and I know that one day I will publish a book and who knows: I might even find it on a shelf in Waterstones. That would be truly magical...
Believe in magic
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
Roald Dahl
I would like to end this blog entry with the above quote. Of course you can try to have more magic in your life, but if you don’t believe in it, you will never find it! I hope that with my blog entry you will find your own magic moments and start seeing this world from a magical state of mind. It’s time to switch your “Magic Buttons” on now!
Have a magical day everyone! :-)
Lais Stephan is the Founder of Be Happy Now (www.behappy-now.com) where she works as a certified Alternative Therapy Practitioner with holistic methods, such as REIKI, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), FastTrack Technique (Magnet Therapy & Matrix Reimprinting.
Lais also created several guided meditation & healing programs and teaches Reiki internationally.
Lais has a passion for photography, writing and blogging.
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