It is easy, oh so easy to talk and talk and dream and plan but never actually do ANYTHING to make the vision a reality…

It is so easy to pray, to affirm, to think, to journal yourself into ecstacy and still never DO anything to make the vision real…

You actually have to move, you know…

You actually have to learn and implement new skills…

You actually have to DO THE WORK!

It is the work that works…

Not the talking, thinking, feeling, emoting…

All of that is just mental stimulation that gets you nowhere…

It is like super-prolonged foreplay…

Almost reaching orgasm…

Never really getting there…

All pleasure for a while…

Frustrating when it goes on too long…

You want the end result!

You want to impact your people for good…

You want to change lives…

You want to be fulfilled…

you want to be financially independent…

Tired of being ALMOST there!


Don’t you?

To wake up each day knowing that you are on track…

To deliver your message to a willing and listening crowd of people whose lives are changing because of the work you do…

To never have to worry again about your finances because you KNOW there is always more than enough…

To be able to travel and see more of the world at the drop of a hat because you always have money coming through…

To give to those charities that drive your heart, to know that you are having an impact on more than just the people around you…

To give time to other good causes without worrying so much about whether you can afford to or not…

For you and your family’s fortune to be uplifted massively…


And the crazy yet cool thing is that you can have it all…

Success is inevitable for those who will go beyond talking, thinking, dreamboarding…

It is absolutely a sure thing for the action takers…

For the empowered ones…

The ones who get their focus right on the goal and take massive action each and every day to get to the goal…

The ones who refuse to allow any obstacle stop them…

The ones who keep chipping away until every seeming roadblock has no choice but to melt away in the face of this persistent dogged determination…

And that can be you!

It comes down to making a decision…

A powerful, ‘no turning back’ type of decision…

To do the work until it works…

Knowing that IT WILL WORK!

Knowing that you are born for more…

Knowing that you are worthy of all you dream of and MORE!

Knowing that nothing is withheld from you when you get down to work…

And I invite you to join me on Tuesday for the EMPOWERED MILLIONAIRE – The 5 Simple shifts That Take You from ‘Thinking About it’ to 10k months doing what you love and being a leader of action, influence and impact.

Register now at

The replay will only be available to registrants so even if you cannot attend live, jump on board now.

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live

Because you want to.

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online