The final step to your success is #7 - Recap and Review. While this isn't in the IMAGE acronym, it is an important part of the system. Without an overview of the entire flow, we can't see if it is working. There really needs to be a Return On Investment “ROI” when trying to accomplish anything, right? The return doesn't have to be monetary. It just needs to somehow show results! The ultimate result is to get to the third level of Enjoy!
Let's recap The IMAGE Success System by using this template (hint, it can be used for your next Imagine...)
Step #1 - Imagine - Be Clear:
When you close your eyes, what do you think about that makes YOU happy?
What are you doing when you feel like YOU’VE accomplished something?
Where are you when you are smiling the most (hint: this will help you get clearer on your Imagine and what you want more of!)?
What is it that makes the smile come off of your face? You want to get these things out of your way. What is it about you that set you apart from the rest? There is SOMETHING. You want to remember this when you start to get down on yourself or are overwhelmed. What do you want from your career and/or life? Think BIG! Get really clear here (e.g. Promotion, travel, relationship, freedom, buy something...) Please note, more money is a means to an end, not something on it’s own that will make you happier. It is really the freedom that money provides, not money itself. Another hint - while you don't have to make this part of your first Imagine, it will get you to a very special Enjoy! later on.
Step #2: Enjoy!
After accomplishing any task, take the time to Enjoy! What you have accomplished. There are two levels of Enjoy. “Almost Free for Me Enjoy!” and “Spa-Like for Me Enjoy!” Each level is relative to the accomplishment.
Write down five “Almost Free for Me” things you like to do for yourself. These items are usually something to do with small amounts of time or something under $20.
Write down three “Spa-Like for Me” things you like to do for yourself. These items are much higher Enjoy items for larger accomplishments. These items are usually over two hours in time and over $30 all the way up to thousands, depending on the accomplishment.
Now, do an “Almost Free for Me Enjoy!” for getting this far in The IMAGE Success System.
Step #3: Manage - Make Your Plan to Make Your Imagine Happen.
Take a look at what you want more of in your life and make a plan. If there are several things, do one plan at a time. Manage can be separated into three parts: Scope, Research/Cost and Time. What is the scope of your Imagine? Do research on what you need to do to accomplish your Imagine. What do you need? Hint - here is where more money will come in! Try to keep this as simple as possible. Don’t get bogged down in the nitty gritty at this point. It will all come together when you take Action on your Manage.
How much time am I going to give myself to accomplish my Imagine? Make it as short-a-time as possible so you don’t lose focus!
How much is it going to cost me to get to my Imagine?
Step #4: Action - It’s Time To Take Action and Make It Happen!
Review your Manage steps above and actually do what needs to be done to make it happen! Start with the hardest stuff first and get it over with.
Don’t forget to Enjoy! as you put your plan into Action! And start thinking about your “Spa-Like for Me Enjoy!” for when you get all of your Action steps done!!
Step #5: Grow - Learn from Your Actions
As you start to Act on your Manage, you will learn the good, the bad and the ugly. Write your successes and mistakes down as you go and make adjustments as needed.
Step #6: Enjoy!!!
Are you ready for the third level of Enjoy? “Success is for me Enjoy!” is the third level of Enjoy. It is not a reward for accomplishing a task or milestone. It is a mindset and belief that Success IS for you.
Step #7: Recap and Review
Did you bring your Imagine to life? Review the process and calculate the ROI, even if your Imagine wasn’t monetary. The ultimate goal is to get to level 3 of Enjoy! - "Success is for me."
So there you have it. Are you motivated to start another Imagine? You should say yes because that means you are already at level 3 of Enjoy or well on your way.
To learn more about Glass Ceiling Breakthrough Online Magazine and The IMAGE System, download your own The IMAGE System Workbook
Monica is a Personal Branding Expert and Image Coach for ImageThat! and Publisher of Glass Ceiling Breakthrough Online Magazine for professional women who want more success now.
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