There are many things that need to be considered when you own and operate a business. Most business owners are going to understand the need to have regular customers coming in through their doors and a fresh supply of customers is always going to be beneficial. You should never overlook your existing customers in favor of taking care of those that are new. After all, it is estimated that 80% of all of your business is going to take place with only 20% of your customers. Quite simply, if you are ignoring your existing customers, you are leaving a lot of money on the table.
Throughout the years, contact with customers has always been an important part of operating a business. This contact was done on the telephone, face-to-face or through the postal service. Although those methods are still viable and many businesses use them to their success, there are new ways of contacting your customers which will certainly benefit you. After all, more and more people are using the Internet to search for whatever it is that they may need. If you are not using the Internet, you are also leaving money on the table.
One of the methods of contacting your customers using the Internet is through e-mail. In many cases, the telemarketing list that you may have used in the past may also contain e-mail addresses today. This can really help to benefit your business, as it provides an additional point of contact which can be used. The more contact you have with your potential customers, the more likely it is going to be that you will turn them into a sale. Purchasing business sales leads and mailing lists is something that takes place on a regular basis and with the right amount of information you will be able to grow your business in many ways.
You can also use social media to grow your business and to keep in contact with your customers. The largest social media network is Facebook and there are millions of active users that check their Facebook accounts each and every day. If you have a presence on Facebook, it not only gives you the opportunity to keep in contact with your existing customers, it can be used to introduce your business to new customers. You do need to use a degree of restraint when using social media, as it is not something that should be used to simply advertise your business. Use Facebook to grow trust with those who have used your business in the past and to gain the trust of those who have not yet used it. When you work the social media account in this way, you will be more likely to find success.
Although the Internet does provide you with many ways to contact your customers, don't ignore some of the older methods that do not take advantage of the Internet. As long as you track your success and use what is working for your business, you can use it consistently to grow your business.
Laura is the author of this article about staying in touch with your clients. She recommends that in order to keep your business thriving, it's important not to ignore your existing customers. She has also stressed that your business should have a constant flow sales, one way to achieve this is by using business sales leads and mailing lists as well as telemarketing lists.
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