I have always wanted a life where I was super close to my Higher Power!
Since I was 6 or 7 years old and life took a turn for the unknown, I have searched for spiritual understanding…
Always knowing that there was something, someONE out there loving me, paying attention…
Religion however, comes with all these rules and regulations about how things SHOULD BE done to connect with God…
And that stifles everything!
Now, I am not saying that we want to throw it all out…
There is some truth in everything but first and foremost, there is your relationship with your Higher Power…
Everything else should facilitate that, not get in the way of it…
And unfortunately when people try to legislate how things SHOULD BE done then they get in the way…
It all becomes a power struggle…
Some person has a problem with sex and so they decide that God must have a problem with sex and so they find some verse in their holy book of choice to prove that what they say is true…
And if they are charismatic enough, everyone follows along until the next charismatic person comes and debunks that but puts in their own hangups instead…
Things people believe now to be gospel truth were considered evil once up on a time, using the same holy book to prove themselves…
And I understand that there is an ever expanding consciousness in people and so of course, things change as people grow and expand but honey, how can you then let your intimate relationship be built on all this second hand information?!
I used to do that and I got done with that…
I have always known I can go directly to God so finally, I ACTUALLY DID IT!
And freedom, so much FREEDOM followed…
However, there are always people trying to bring you back to thinking like they think and these people will probably be friends that you care greatly for and so…
It takes courage to find your way…
It takes a lot of self-belief to break the shackles of organised religion, without throwing the baby out with the bath water…
Sometimes, you have to simply throw everything out to begin with so that you can find your own path…
And that takes a heckuva lot of courage because all your fears about being alone AND hell and eternal punishment will come up to play and you may choose to go the path of least resistance and bury everything and try to pretend that you can be happy with the way things are…
Do you want to be free? or not?
Surely you can see that love cannot exist with so much fear…
Surely you can see that there can be no real relationship with your Higher Power if the only reason you want one is to avoid hell and eternal damnation…
I exhort you to look for, search hard for the real deal…
The one you know in your heart of hearts is possible…
A relationship based on love and mutual respect.
I can help you find freedom in this area and in fact, I always have to help religious clients with this because there is no way for you to fully own the calling on your life, if you have all these hangups about your Higher power and your spirituality in place!
Your sexuality gets stifled and therefore your creativity — You need ideas to thrive in the marketplace!
You are unsure whether you are allowed to make money and so you hold back from going after the desires of your heart…
You are scared that you will get too ambitious and end up loving ‘the world’ more than God and so, again, you hold back…
So many weird and wonderful fears all caught up in rules and regulations that are just the fabrication of some person who was also tied up by all their fears…
And you believe it all… kinda…
It is time to question everything — Remember the truth will stand up to scrutiny.
To live out the big call on your life, you have got to break free…
You have got to see the truth so that it really can set you free…
Do you dare to question all the sacred cows?
Or will you cower in fear for the rest of your life, telling yourself that this is the way it has to be?
Fight for, deliberately design the life You are born to live
Because you want to!
PS — So many hidden hangups keep you stuck in place, working hard but spinning your wheels. I wrote an Amazon Bestseller, The Deliberate Millionaire FREEDOM Book and I am making it available to you for free so that you can see where you may be held back and do something about it — Get the book at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/freebook
Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online
Get her freedom book now at
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