In the "always-on" electronic information rich and interconnected culture we live in, challenges to our ability to focus and concentrate is an extremely essential trait that few people can claim is not a problem. Concentration becomes even more difficult when learning to speed read. This article will outline 9 tactics you can easily apply while you learn to speed read and they will pay dividends beyond the process of reading.
When learning to speed read, one of the tough habits to overcome is mind-wandering. Slow readers are often crippled in their ability to comprehend, or understand the material in front of them. Other inefficient habits like focusing on individual words, makes it harder to grasp the larger meaning. Even readers who comprehend well face challenges of mind wandering when they first learn speed reading skills because they are focusing on how the eyes are moving. However, without the focus on meanings, comprehension will always remain elusive.
Here's what to do differently:
1. Get plenty of rest. Without enough sleep, the brain goes into overload more easily. Trying to learn these perceptually challenging skills when fatigued will be a waste of time.
2. Use proper fuel. Your brain needs certain nutrients in order to create the biochemistry needed for learning. Loading up on sugar and caffeine as well as ingesting large amounts of fats and empty calories from processed foods starves your brain of necessary nutrients.
3. Prepare your mind for practice. Practice means doing essential exercises that are designed to train your brain for higher performance. Before you start your practice sessions, take a few moments to quiet your mind. There are many different ways to do this. One simple way is to shut your eyes and merely watch your breathing pattern for a minute or two until your breathing slows down and deepens into your diaphragm.
4. Prepare for the material. Look through the material quickly to get a basic outline of what it covers.
5. Ask questions based on what you observe in number four.
6. Be purposeful. Know what you want to get out of the material and how much comprehension is needed for the results of the practice session.
7. Ask yourself continuously. "What's this about?" over each paragraph. Force your mind to respond to something you see.
8. Stop and Note every few minutes at least what the most important points were that you discovered along the way.
9. Practice Focusing Techniques. There are numerous techniques that can help you build your focus. Simply watching a candle, or light and noting how long it takes to observe your mind going somewhere else is one of the simplest techniques that you can do. Track how long it takes your mind to wander off and then try to make it longer each time.
Now that you have these nine tactics, apply them whenever you read, not only while learning to speed read. I'd also like to invite you to learn more at Get Free Tips
Ed Caldwell is the creator and publisher of the "Masters Online Program: Dynamic Reading, Memory, and Recall" and other live and web-based learning programs. As former National Director of Instruction and Certification for the world famous Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics program, Ed has 30 years experience teaching and testing new strategies to help people from all walks of life learn to read more efficiently. Trainer, speaker, and writer, he can be contacted at Having trained tens of thousands of people, he has mastered the art of the coaching, especially when learning speed reading. Ed is the creator and president of Productive Learning Systems, Inc, and, Inc. You can learn more tips and truths about speed reading and get a free ebook,"The 10 Top Mistakes When Learning Speed Reading."
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