Advanced technology have made mobile phones an integral part of our lives. For this reason, more hiring managers use phone interviews to cut down the list of possible job applicants for in-person interviews. A phone interview is most often considered as the initial interview and is done by most companies to lessen cost during job applicant search.

Normally, a phone interview is not scheduled. Hiring managers will call possible job applicants without informing them beforehand. You will never know when a hiring manager will give you phone job interview. Acing this type of interview is easy once you know the important tips for phone interviews.

· Prepare, prepare, prepare. Since this phone job interview is an initial interview it is vital that you are well prepared at any given time. During your spare time list your strengths and weaknesses including your skills, attributes and experience. Be sure to bring the list anywhere you go. The list will serve as your guide in answering some of the questions during the interview.

· Bring and post your resume where it is visible. Typically in an interview, you will be asked about your educational and/or work background. Your resume helps you highlight the important skills that the interviewer wants to hear on the other side of the line. So make sure that your resume is visible or near your telephone line.

· Practice, practice, practice. Like all interviews, handling a phone job interview requires practice. Be aware that answering questions is not easy so practice answering questions via the phone. You can ask a friend or a family member to give you an interview for extra practice. In addition, it is best that you record your conversation so that you will know what areas you need to improve.

· Talk professionally on the phone. During a phone job interview make sure that you are in a quiet place. You should also make sure that you don not have food in your mouth while talking otherwise the interviewer will feel insulted. Your voice should also be as clear as a glass so the interviewer will not have to repeat themselves.

· Smile on the phone. Even though your interviewer cannot see you do not forget to smile. Smiling will reflect a positive vibe to the interviewer. When you smile, the tone of your voice will change positively. Thus, it is highly recommended that you smile so that the interviewer will hear your positive tone.

· Say Thank You. As a sign of good manners, always thank your interviewer after the interview is finished. This will show respect to the interviewer and it will also reflect your maturity and positive traits.

Keep in mind that phone interviews have become an important part of the hiring process so expect that a company will give you a phone job interview prior to a face-to-face interview. It is best that you practice and be prepared for it because the company you have applied to may give you a ring anytime.

Author's Bio: 

Landon Long is the founder of You can download his FREE "Resume Rebel" Video Course to learn how to write a resume and stand out in a slow economy.