When most of us are asked what the most important possession is in our lives, we tend to look at the big stuff we have acquired over the years. We easily point to our cars, mansions and even the money we have being able to amass in large quantity. To us, these are the things that make our lives go smoothly. But if we ask a successful man what his prized possession is, we will all be amazed at his answer. His road to success was started by this little thing we all can easily overlook and he sees it as his daily companion. What is it? A journal! This is unbelievable but true.

The power of a journal should never be under estimated in our everyday living. If you study a successful person, you will notice they hardly go anywhere without this prized possession. This is because it is widely believed that the retentive power of the human brain is very low and one can catch an idea or inspiration anywhere. So if an idea comes to your mind and you don't have the means of capturing it, it is likely to be forgotten. It comes back to memory immediately you see someone carrying out the same idea.

The faintest ink is better than the sharpest brain and this cannot be disputed. Write something down and twenty years from now, you will still be referring to it but store it in your brain and you forget it in the next hour or two. Any idea may occur to you that you may not even be able to carry out immediately it struck your mind, but who told you you won't be able to implement it in years to come? If your ideas are noted in a journal, a day will come that you will have the capability to implement it. This is one of the secrets of the highly successful. They keep writing down all the ideas that occur to them until the day they have the wherewithal to carry them out.

Do you really want to be successful? The begin to copy the lifestyle of the successful. I know of someone who said he has written down so much ideas to the extent that for the next twenty year, he can never complain of not having anything to do. What if you are in this man's shoe, how will you feel? If you are not used to this, please begin to practice this art and in no mean time, it will become a lifestyle. I learned this some years back and it has helped me a lot. There are some ideas I generate that I couldn't carry out immediately. All I do is write them down and file them somewhere I can make reference to later. Any where I go, my companion is always my journal.

"Be prepared" is the Boys Scout motto and ideas may come at any time so you must always be ready to jot them down. You never can tell if it is any of them that will change your life. This is one secret that will help you a lot if only you can put it to practice. Learning without acting is like not learning at all.

You will make it.

Author's Bio: 

Adebola Oni is the Author of "The Lessons Of Life". So many lives have been touched by his newsletter, Life Lessons Digest. You can have a copy delivered to you every week by visiting his website: http://www.naijamotivation.com You will NEVER regret doing so as so many articles are waiting to change your life.