Depression hits all of us every once in a while, and we most of the time deal with it, and it dissolves. Well, this may not be the case with some people who simply put it up the shelf, and the problem becomes too heavy for them to handle at some point. Undealt and postponed issues cause depression, which is essentially a ticking time bomb. And when it explodes, it starts in small bursts that most people do not even realize is depression. Here are a few of those outbursts that could indicate you are depressed or falling into depression, and you need therapy for depression asap!
Unexplained emotional and physical fatigue
Daily life is tiring to some degree, so you must distinguish between normal fatigue and depressive burnout. Depressive burnout looks like this: you wake up in the morning, you are in no way looking forward to getting out of bed. You go to work just because you have to, and even while you work, you are always tired and demoralized, wishing you would instead be locked by yourself at home. Having these days once in a blue moon is typical, but when it is a daily occurrence, you might be falling into depression.
You do not want to associate with your peers
When you are introverted, this may be a bit harder to decipher, but even so, if you do not want anyone around you for any reason, that may be a sign of depression. And even if you are in a situation where you are around people, you want to keep to yourself and not engage in any conversations. This sign is not a sure sign since some people have no issue spending the day on their own, but at some point, they have no problem dealing with others. The defining line is when you want nothing to do with others altogether.
You have drastic mood swings
Depression messes with our brain, particularly the brain section that is responsible for emotions and moods. That said, if you are depressed, you tend to have mood swings that shift from happy to sad to emotional in an instant. An average person in a healthy state of mind will have better control over their mood and emotions, but that is not the case with a depressed person. One lashes out and makes storms out of teacups. Something as small as someone misspelling your name could turn sour.
You avoid connecting or getting intimate with your partner
A depressed person in a relationship will have multiple episodes of becoming disconnected from the union with no explanation. Some people simply go missing for hours or even days with no communication at all. Some people are present physically but act aloof when engaged. Getting intimate is not in their interests. These occurrences end up sabotaging the whole relationship.
Closing remarks
If you notice one of the above signs being exuded by you or your loved one, then it’s time to get an evaluation done. Approach the issue from a place of love and understanding such that neither you or them feel attacked or judged. The next step is to get help.
Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.
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