Since hair transplant procedures are seen as the only permanent way of fully throwing baldness into the bucket, the rich or those who can afford it are running to other countries like UAE, Australia, and USA to get the procedure performed. This is okay since one can afford all the charges and the cost of a ticket.

Though this mainly happens, especially with the celebrities and accomplished men, many patients have also flown into India for hair transplant surgeries. The underlying truth is that India has one of the biggest hair transplant markets in the world. Hair transplant centres like NRI hair transplant centre performs several hair transplant procedures in a week, on both males and females.

Is there any difference between hair transplants in India and those abroad?

A hair transplant procedure remains a surgery in India and in other countries. The only difference is the surgeon who performs the surgery. Great and artistic hair surgeons will produce the best results after a hair transplant in Ludhiana and this is also the case in other countries. Botched surgeries are also common abroad due to many factors.

What should I do to get the best results?
It all goes down to the surgeon you meet. A hair transplant procedure is not merely a procedure where hair grafts are extracted from one region of the scalp to another. It is a procedure that involves great expertise and experience. The artistic skills of the surgeon play a big role and that is why you should view the past results before you trust a surgeon. At least carryout the following

1. A survey-
A survey is not only for new establishments, but conducted whenever one wants to achieve the best. Compare the best hair transplant clinics and choose one
2. A consultation-
This is the period when the surgeon observes the rate of hair loss and how much hair follicles you will need during the procedure. Take this period seriously and pay attention to the instructions that the surgeon communicates.
3. The suitable technique-
There are mainly two; Follicular Unit Extraction and Follicular Unit Transplantation. The surgeon will choose the best technique after an assessment of the scalp. An FUE leaves no linear scar and hair follicles an also be harvested from the body in case there is a limitation on the scalp

FUT leaves a linear scar but also produces natural results when performed by an artistic surgeon.

What charges to expect?
It is a good question, but a
Hair Transplant Cost in India is not that expensive like in many other countries.

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You may have to pay for anesthesia, the surgeon’s fee, service charges, and the total cost largely depends on the technique used