So ya wanna save the world……

Well, we’re definitely living in a world that needs saving…..but…..the world, our Universal Family members making up this world, aren’t so keen on CHANGE, FEAR has them gripped by the throats, like the big bad wolf in “Little Red Riding Hood”, and though they beg and cry for their salvation, they cling like spiders to the web of imprisoned illusion, they have grown accustomed to.

We ALL KNOW the government is corrupt, the legal system lacks justice, and inequality reigns supreme.

There is no need to hide our faces in shame, or make pretend otherwise, it’s all documented facts, and if it’s not documented loudly enough, it’s spread like wild fire through the masses, via our entertainment mediums such as movies, t.v. shows and internet to keep us up to date with the TRUTHS we choose to pretend aren’t really there.

Except, they are.

And WE ALL KNOW it!!!

Why do we turn the other cheek? Go about living our daily lives as though we aren’t affected, making pretend there’s nothing we can do about it and our lives are insignificant in the greater scheme of things?

Because that’s what we have been told, by those who are running the world, and us – our lives, as they so please, so long, of course, as their back pockets are getting larger and larger with YOUR bulging dollars.

Did I mention, the dollars,……they’re YOUrs!!!!

That’s right, no matter how much you want to make pretend or look away, the bottom line is, YOU are FEEDING the very things, people, systems, corporations, organizations that are keeping us all down, WE ALL are!!!


Because we have been brainwashed, disillusioned or otherwise cajoled into believing it was for “our good”, our benefit, and what’s more, we NEED it! We need to be controlled, we need money to exist and definitely, we DON’T NEED to think for our selves, because there are others who will take care of everything for us.

And WE believe them! So, we give up our individual rights to think, to be who we really are, and keep walking around, living our own lives, as though they are insignificant and have no affect on the WHOLE……when in TRUTH, they do, WE ALL DO!!!!

Let’s look at this logically. You have all these parts, that are required in order for your watch to function, your car to drive, your computer to work.

If ONE piece of the WHOLE is affected negatively, the ENTIRE WHOLE is negatively affected, the watch, car or computer is not going to work the way it’s supposed to, the way it is MEANT TO BE! There is simply no getting around this FACT.

WE ARE PARTS of the WHOLE, EACH and EVERY ONE of US, INDIVIDUALLY, is ONE very important part of the whole that make up our Universal Family, here upon the Earth School,

Our reality IS of our making, and yet the reality chosen by our Universal Family remains one of Fear.

Fear allows for materialism to take precedence over that, which is TRUTH, like the Miracle of YOU and ME.

My entire life has been a statement FOR LOVE.

As a young child, I always stood up for equality, peace and harmony.

This “idealistic” perceptual reality of my BEingness, as my parents so often labeled me, has, in my 38 years of living and experiencing life, remained as steadfastly integral to my BEingness as ever, and yet…

“Jacques Fresco’s Future by Design” is still, but a design.

Always I have, and to this day believe, that to BE the example is to BE part of the change.

I have done all I can to distance myself from the illusions of this world, the faux stresses that cause so many, disease, unease, and ultimately death.

How many car accidents have been caused because someone is late for work? How many have drowned their lives in a bottle of alcohol, a needle of drugs, or other chosen self medicating narcotics, just to escape the stress and strain of an overbearing, self consumed, money hungry boss?


Yes, from a very young age, I knew, intrinsically, that this world was not operating as it should, by, of, & through LOVE.

As a result, I became quite adept at dismissing the many, including my closest friends, and even my own family, whom would advise me on the “truths of this world”, and how one MUST BE, in order to survive within it.

As it turns out, all their attempts to assimilate me into the “norm” of society, actually provided for me, the greatest gift of all, the gift of SELF LOVE.

I was never one to watch or read the news, and as I grew in my knowledge, my awareness of the skewed media perspective we have all been fed, as chosen by those who are running our world, I stopped watching and reading it altogether. I didn’t buy a cell phone, distanced myself from those around me whom themselves, were too disillusioned by all the brainwashing, to think “outside the box” of our imprisonment, the “norms” of society. I left a lucrative job in the corporate industry, where I learned that BEing ME, BEing LOVE was definitely not a welcome presence, let alone a means to succeed, and chose to dedicate my SELF WHOLLY to that which I KNOW {knew} to BE TRUTH. I delved deeply into my research and independent studies of the TRUTHS of Our existence, life, the Universe, WE, wrote my first book, “Radiate Soul Light”, and essentially found myself living a very hermetic lifestyle.

I chose to surround myself with all that is positive and light, founded YOUr Wisdom and Wellness Community Lounge, “Sanctuaire Soul’s Sanctuary”, to offer myself, my talents, my knowledge & wisdom to assist others in finding their own Truths, Light and SELF LOVE, all the while, maintaining complete honesty, truth and self, whilst so doing.

In the process, I, and now, blessed with my Soul Twin Sister, Aline Ohannessian, have provided countless numbers, our services of LOVE and LIGHT- pro bono!!!


Why, when one is doing all they can to give that which all are crying for, FREEDOM, LOVE, HAPPINESS, meaning in their lives, are we not able to survive, provide that which our selves require in this material world of commecialism?


Having done ALL I can to live by TRUTH, to live through LOVE, to be an open and honest individual, whether in my personal or professional life, what I have found is, no matter which way I turn, I AM a member of this current society, this NOW, and this NOW, though on its way, has yet to surface from the brainwashed illusory reality of commercialism.

To be able to BE the example and part of the change, you need to be around to be able to so do.

You need to SURVIVE in THIS world to be able to change this world,

Thus the question then becomes, how does one of TRUTH, LOVE, PEACE, and HARMONY survive in a world of material commercialism and still stay TRUE to SELF?

Well, it took me about 20 years, but the answer is “compromise”. The answer is using the tools by which our Universal Family currently recognizes, even if those are the very tools you are attempting to rid our world of, that you may in fact, do that very thing.

Oyyyyyy, the breakdown that did occur!!!

But, I am, We are, dedicated to BEing the change, and making change, and having a positive affect, and we had to, and have, found a way to reach our Universal Family, who so desperately needs and more over wants to be reached, even if that means going deep deep into the jungle!!!

Aline Ohannessian and I are both communication professionals, from our days in the corporate jungle, advertising, marketing, public relations, graphic design, web design, copywriting, radio, and television, to name but a few.

We shifted our selves away from these aspects of SELF, as they were so imbued within all that is illusory, only to find ourselves now, blessed these very tools of communication. More so, the tools of communication that have sprung up since leaving our corporate worlds behind, the internet, and Internet Marketing. OOhhh one of those “communication words” I so loathed when “selling swamp land in florida”.

But……..”what” and “why” you are selling, providing your services, TRUEly makes ALL the difference! Suddenly, “Marketing” is not such a horrible word after all,….. and thus the compromise begins.

Oh the TERROR!!! I’m back in it again, NO!!! This can’t be the way, I hate sales, though I am offering my services for the good of all, and do need to survive,…….

Breaking down……….

Knowing that what we are offering, our services of wisdom and wellness, is for the good of ALL, that our purpose in so offering is to enlighten all, to live their lives in happiness, health and love, and be able to survive our selves, whilst so doing, as opposed to growing rich off the exhausting labours of others, has given new breath and life to, and made even “marketing” no longer such a ‘compromise’ or terror afterall :O)

YEAH, I’m starting to piece my self back together!!! Permanent break down averted, and I am able to breathe, and feel light and free, and ME again :O)

YES, we are using the tools of the “trade”, but we are doing so, from within, for the higher good of ALL, and thus affecting change for ALL positively!!

There are many businesses who will tell you that you need their product to be a better person, whether it’s clothing, perfume, etc…, telling you how much they care about you, how important you are to them, when in fact, all they care about is getting your dollars into their pockets, trust me, we know, we were the ones creating the very campaigns they used to convince you that your life wouldn’t be the same without their products. They are, as the term goes, “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing.

We have found the way, gone deep deep into the jungle, donned the undercover gear necessary, and though we may appear to be just another wolf in the world of business and commercialism, we are in FACT, the TRUTH, the Answer, the Way, the “Sheep, in Wolves clothing”.

I won’t lie, donning the wolf’s fatigues is a compromise that can not be dismissed, rationalized, or otherwise cajoled as living TRUE. However, until we are living in a society that is RESOURCE BASED and not one that is bent on the all mighty dollar, it is a compromise, even the most angelic of our Light BEings must make, if they are to survive and actually affect the change they are here to so affect, for ALL of WE, Our Universal Family, here upon our Earth School.

Yep, that’s right, we’re do’in it backwards!!! We’re the angels donning human form, wearing business suits, and using all the tools of our corporate minds, which is the language of our current society, but instead of trying to sell swamp land as furtile gold, and packing our bosses pockets with your money, we’re actually selling real GOLD, and packing YOUr LIVES chock full of meaning and TRUTH!

Welcome to YOUR Fulfilled Destiny!!!

Blessedly BE

Roni & YOUr Soul’s Family
Sanctuaire Soul’s Sanctuary

Author's Bio: 

“Visionary Artiste of LOVE,
WHOLE-istic enLIGHTenment GuideLIGHT
Wisdom & Wellness Life Coach
Ontological Literary Artist & Philosopher
of /for/though the BEINGness of
LOVE's Light
for the
BEnefit of ALL.

Roni has been Gifted the Personal Legend of BEing the reflection of radiating LOVE's Light that IS each of WE.
She exists here upon our Earth School to uplift, assist and enLIGHTEn ALL to the Miraculous Magnificence of our BEautiFull BEingness.

“I am here, upon our Earth School, to vibrate harmonies of LOVE's Light, equality, peace, unity, positivity, and the TRUTH of WE. I provide a gentle guiding light along YOUr Pathway to Discover SELF TRUE, LOVE SELF and thus BE, the Best “I” in “ME” YOU LOVE YOUr SELF to BE, in Every NOW, ALLways!

Blessedly BE the TRUTH of WE
Earth Angels Divine
within the Embracing Light of PeaceFull LOVing Serenity, &
one Fantabulous, Amazing, Adventurous, Party'in Journey