I believe that we all want to be of service in some way. We all want to help others.
And maybe we are clear about how we share our gifts.
Or maybe we need a bit of guidance to figure out what we can give, see what our talents are, and learn how others could benefit from them.
I was filling out some paperwork yesterday for an authors' program that I am a part of. I came upon the question, "What can you do to help others?" That is - what gifts do you have to offer that are unique and beneficial?
I really had to think about it (and am still thinking about it, actually). The answer didn't just flow out of me, which got me thinking about how deep this question really is and how important it is to really feel and be able to embrace what we are able to give to others and to the world.
This seemingly innocuous question really has me thinking about my life and going within to find out what gifts I am truly able to bring to others. What talents do I possess that will ultimately help others live their ideal lives? What can I offer in terms of skills, talents, personality traits that will be of service somehow?
I will be spending the day really thinking about this question, and I thought it would be great if we could all think about it together.
What gifts do you bring to the world?
What do you have to offer that would be helpful and make someone's life better?
It could be a specific skill that you are trained in (e.g., computer knowledge, editing, etc.)
Or it could be a personality trait that you have (e.g., listening, compassion, etc.)
How do you use your gifts to help others?
How could take it a step further and use your special talents to reach more people?
Opportunities to go within and get to know ourselves better sometimes appear unexpectedly, such as this questionnaire. And staying open and seeing it as a way to learn and grow is a great way to embrace your own inner wisdom and learn what your gifts truly are. And once you know what your gifts are, you can share them with the world!
Jodi Chapman is the author of the inspirational blog, Soul Speak; the upcoming book, Coming Back to Life: How an Unlikely Friend Helped Me Reclaim My True Spirit; and the bestselling Soulful Journals series, co-authored with her amazing husband, Dan Teck. www.jodichapman.com
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