Sclerotherapy is a treatment that has been used to treated problematic veins for many years, but it is important to be aware of any possible sclerotherapy side effects as well. This procedure involves injecting the problematic veins (usually spider veins) with a sodium chloride solution that is mixed with heparin and lidocaine. Via several sessions over a couple of weeks, the veins start to gradually face.

Specifically, this is a treatment in which medicine is injected directly into the vein itself. The goal of the medicine is to collapse the walls of the veins so that the vein will disappear back into the leg. It is important to note that sclerotherapy side effects are not something that occur in the body overall, but rather in the specific treatment area.

This is the most preferred method over laser to treat larger spider veins as well as small varicose veins. This treatment usually requires repeated visits to your doctors office with anywhere from 5 to 40 injections each visit. Cotton balls and compression tape is applied during the procedure and tight-fitting support hose may be prescribed to guard against blood clots and to promote healing.

Radiosurgery (that relies on electric current) is contraindicated in those with pacemakers. It may burn the skin and leave the patient scarred. But Dr. Larry Roy C.Tojino of the Vein Care Clinic in Manila adds that the risks involved are related more to the experience of the doctor than the patient's reaction. Obviously one has to choose the right physician since the radio surgical unit is not a toy that can be used by anyone.

In addition to precautions regarding antibiotics, patients should avoid aspirin, ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory medications for 48 hours before and after the Sclerotherapy procedure. Anti-inflammatory medications may interfere with the effective action of the sclerosing solution. If pain is encounter before and after the procedure, patients may use Tylenol as it is not an anti-inflammatory medication.

The procedure is not without complications. As with any kind of plastic surgery there are some risks that may arise. Sclerotherapy is invasive and that means there is a risk of the formation of blood clots in the veins. There is also scarring and sever inflammation that may occur. Some people who have the procedure done have also experienced allergic reactions to the sclerosing solution. This reaction might be a result of some of the ingredients that is contained in the solution.

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