The best way to find out if you have a safe cholesterol levels or not, is to visit your doctor, homeopath, naturopathic practitioner or alternative health care provider.
They can easily measure your cholesterol in the blood sample. For more detailed information, a blood test done, and fasting is the best way to determine if you have a safe cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol is measured in milligrams (mg) of cholesterol per deciliter (dL) of blood. The following shows the recommended safe cholesterol levels, measured in blood tests around the world:
Total cholesterol - up to 199 mg / dL
LDL cholesterol - up to 129 mg / dL
HDL cholesterol - less than 35 mg / dL
Rest of the world
Total cholesterol - less than 5.0 mmol / l
LDL cholesterol - less than 3.0 mmol / l
HDL cholesterol - 1.0 to 2.5 mmol / l
While having a safe cholesterol level is really what everyone should strive to achieve optimal cholesterol levels, which will give you the maximum protection of the heart and vascular disease, heart disease and peripheral vascular disease (narrowed blood vessels to the extremities). It is recommended for optimal cholesterol levels:
Total cholesterol - from 180 to 220 mg / dL
LDL cholesterol less than 100 mg / dl
HDL cholesterol - greater than 50 mg / dL
Safe blood cholesterol levels the rest of the world is already set optimal levels.
The key to achieving high cholesterol balance between LDL and HDL correctly. The reason is, there is a strong correlation between LDL and HDL. Connects LDL to artery walls, creating plaque. As the plaque builds up, the barriers begin to see your arteries, causing a heart attack. If the obstacles begin to appear in your brain, then your brain can become starved of oxygen and cause a stroke.
HDL is the good cholesterol, and travels through the blood to collect excess LDL bring it to the liver where it is processed and eventually excreted. Balance your LDL and HDL levels is what gives you a safe cholesterol levels.
This can be achieved through natural means, like prescription drugs, such as statins, dangerous and potentially fatal side effects ranging from memory loss, depression, muscle weakness and heart failure. In some cases, certain statins were withdrawn from the market due to deaths.
Manage what you eat and use will go a long way in reducing LDL and HDL increases. Foods high in trans-fats and saturated fats should be eaten in moderation because they are the biggest cause of high LDL cholesterol. Instead of eating a lot of fish, seeds, whole grains, nuts, vegetables, soy and fruit, as it will not only lower LDL but also raise HDL.
Most people now choose natural treatments to help them get those safe blood cholesterol levels. Choosing cholesterol supplements, natural ingredients such as phytosterols, D-limonene, Theaflavine, lecithin and policosanol help reduce the production of cholesterol in the body, lower cholesterol oxidation, increase cholesterol excretion and reduce the absorption of cholesterol. Now, and can be obtained for each of these components separately, it is advisable not to how each of its nobody can solve all causes high cholesterol. Combined together, they will give you the best access to safe cholesterol levels and balance your cholesterol.
If you would like to learn more, then visit my website today, where I share what I personally successfully used, and continue to be used to achieve safe cholesterol levels, the optimal level.
Cholexi is herbal medicine for high cholesterol that maintain normal blood cholesterol level and provides strength to your heart.
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