Covid-19 RTPCR Test
This test is useful for the detection of the Covid-19 virus. Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath & breathing difficulties.

Get RTPCR Test Done At Safety Of Your Home. Free Home Collection. Sample Collection Will Be Done By Highly Trained Technicians Equipped with BioSafety Kits. Honest Prices.

*Disclaimer: All Covid RTPCR bookings will be forwarded to an ICMR approved partner Lab and will be collected by Lab or appointed third-party collection agency. Healthians is only a booking facilitation platform for Covid test bookings. Healthians never claims to be collecting or conducting Covid tests. Your sample collection time and reporting turnaround time may get affected in case of high demand and surge in volumes at the partner Lab. Healthians shall not be held responsible for any such delays. In case you wish to cancel your booking before collections 100% amount will be refunded within 3 days to your account. For all Routine Blood Test Healthians trained phlebotomist will collect your blood sample with 3 layer Covid safety process. The cost of the test will be decided by your state authorities time to time and same should be applicable. Please check your local prevailing charges before making the payment and do not pay anything extra.

Author's Bio: 

We have deep analytical control on all our labs and insist them to follow NABL guidelines.