Many people love the idea of being able to create what they want in life, but few understand that our beliefs about money and success are just as important as developing a more positive attitude. It is impossible to attract peace of mind, financial security, good health, more money, success, a better job, a six-figure income, or anything else if your beliefs contradict your desires.

So, what are some examples of limiting beliefs about your finances?

-----"Having large amounts of money takes many years and hard work." If you have this belief, then it will take you a lot of pain, suffering and time to make a substantial amount of money.

-----"I am undeserving of wealth and abundance." It is amazing how many people unknowingly hold this belief. When asked the question, "Do you believe you are deserving of success?" most would answer that they do. However, after digging deeper, many are shocked to discover that they do have subconscious beliefs about being unworthy of success.

-----"Having excess wealth is wrong because there are those who have nothing." Any guilt associated with having money will make it difficult for you to attract more of it. It is important to know that there is an unlimited supply of abundance for everyone. Having less will not make it easier for those who are struggling. As a matter of fact, your ability to help those who are less fortunate may even increase if your financial situation is closer to where you need or want it to be!

So, what are some ways to change these limiting beliefs? One bestselling book that confronts this topic is "The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits," by Gregg Braden. This book provides countless tips and information on how we develop limiting beliefs and what we can do to change them.

For one exercise, Braden suggests writing down a particular goal or desire, making a list of why this goal would enrich your life, and why it is something you should be able to accomplish. For example, let's say your goal is make a six-figure-income from becoming a life coach. Perhaps you want to become a life coach because you truly enjoy helping others. Perhaps you would feel fulfilled because not only would you be making money, but you would be doing something that makes you feel wonderful. You should be able to accomplish your goal because countless people have.

Write down as many examples of success in this area that you can think of. Keep this list in a journal, and carry the journal with you. Whenever you see something on the news, on television, in a book or anywhere else that debunks your limiting belief(s), write it down. Then, later that evening, look over your list and imagine already having what you want. Feel as though you have reached your goal and bask in the happiness of it.

In the end, changing your beliefs starts with you. You have to get to a point where you know you are worthy of having what you want. This wonderful world that we live in provides so many opportunities for success, both personal and monetary successes. Your ability to remember this fact will help you attract the abundance and prosperity you seek.

Author's Bio: 

Sabrina Kinckle is the lead host of "Master Your Universe" - on the popular Law of Attraction Radio Network. The show focuses on providing techniques and exercises that will help you create what you want in your life. The first step is to dismantle limiting beliefs that often block the prosperity, good health and joy we seek. Tune in to learn more about how you can reprogram your mind to eliminate limiting beliefs and begin creating a personal reality that will add to your life and the lives of others. Also tune in to hear great guests, such as Lisa Nichols, Gay Hendricks, Meera Lester, Yvonne Oswald and more! To be a guest, please contact Sabrina at

Sabrina has worked in the realm of metaphysics for over fifteen years and is a master level Reiki healer. As a motivational author, coach, and lecturer, she is a contributing writer for several print and online magazines. Her mission is to provide individuals and businesses with the tools necessary to create a more meaningful, just and sustainable world. She works with clients on issues such as work/life balance, stress reduction, relationships, body image, and spiritual development.

Sabrina is the President of Creating Your Transformation, an organization that focuses on teaching others to believe in their power to create the life they want. To that end, the company provides various seminars, retreats, and online classes related to the Law of Attraction, attracting prosperity and abundance, personal development, developing your own intuition, meditation, and energy healing.

Sabrina's workshops have been called "impactful" and "life changing." To learn more, sign up for the free monthly newsletter at Creating Your Transformation -