When you're in search of a new job, the first thing to do is to check out the job listings available in your area. You can look for job listings in your local daily and weekly newspapers, employment centers and of course, increasingly the web is a good resource for finding a job. However, finding the listings of available jobs is the easiest part of the process of finding a new job. Landing that new position is where things can get difficult.
The interview is for many the hardest part of getting a new job; for employers, your performance in the interview is the most important determining factor in whether or not you're hired for the position. An interview calls for caution and careful preparation. In order to maximize your chances of being hired, the following tips can help you to do well in your next job interview.
You'll want to be dressed properly for your interview; as surprising as it is, many people show up for their job interviews poorly dressed. No matter what the position may be, it's highly advisable to be dressed professionally for the interview. How much you should dress up depends on the particular position; a good rule of thumb is to dress slightly more professionally than the position calls for. This helps you avoid showing up for your job interview either too dressed up or underdressed.
You should bring a few copies of your resume along to a job interview. Even though you've already sent the employer your resume, keep in mind that they've most likely received quite a few resumes and it's common for a resume to be lost in the shuffle. Having extra copies of your resume on hand demonstrates that you're well prepared and responsible.
There are a number of questions which are commonly asked in interviews. One of the questions which turns up in almost every interview is what you see as your greatest strengths and weaknesses. A lot of applicants make the mistake of saying they have no weaknesses, which comes off as dishonest - everyone, after all, has some weaknesses. Admit that there are areas in which you have room for improvement. The best way to approach this question is to try to turn your weakness into something which can also be seen as a strength.
The final question asked in most interviews is whether you have any questions for the interviewer. You should ask questions, even if you already know the answers. Prepare a few questions to ask at this point in the interview; many interviewers will take your not having any questions for them as a sign that you're not genuinely interested in the position. If nothing else, you could ask about the company's history or what the prospects for advancement are given the position you're applying for. Be tactful with your questions, but by all means, do ask a few!
After the interview, always shake hands with the interviewer and thank them for taking the time to meet with you. This should be followed up by a note thanking the interviewer for the opportunity to meet with them. This is both polite and professional; while it won't necessarily affect your chances of being hired, it is good etiquette.
Follow the tips given in this article and your interviews should go well. From here, it's all up to your qualifications and your references. Interviews are the most important step to being hired for a position, so make sure you're well prepared and professional.
Find interviewing mistakes to avoid, interviewing skills, tips as well as career planning and management information at Leon Edward's Awesome Career Success Personal Development Website.
Leon Edward also helps people improve in Goal Setting, Success, Leadership, Motivation, Self-Improvement, Happiness, Memory Improvement, Stress Reduction and more through his articles, blogs, reports and self-help success roladex-on-line. Visit his Success-Leadership Library, Articles and blog at http://www.AwesomeSuccess.org
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