“Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.” – Les Brown

What does motivation mean?

  • The desire, interest or drive to do.
  • The process that arouses, sustains and regulates human behavior.

Ask yourself:

  • Do I have the desire, interest or drive?
  • Is what I am currently doing arousing, sustaining or regulating my behavior POSITIVELY?
  • Am I getting the results I desire?

Understand that motivation comes and goes. Sometimes our motivation takes a dive and we may get off track or off task. When that happens, you need to power your motivation. You have to ignore the negative or bad habits that cause you to lose that motivation.

Protect your dreams or goals by allowing motivation to enter your mind consistently.

Here are some ways to POWER your motivation:

Challenge yourself.
When your motivation has lost its power, then perhaps you are not stretching yourself. You may be making some strides, but you're still operating in a comfort zone. Take the breaks off and push yourself. Create a reward system. Make your rewards meaningful, something you'll really appreciate receiving or doing.

Focus focus focus!
Remind yourself why you do what you do! Check the air you breathe. Where do you spend your time? Who and how do you associate with others? Sometimes a change or modification in our environment will stimulate motivation. Check the air you breathe and determine if it is stifling your motivation. Clear the air and refresh your motivation.

Eat one elephant at a time.
Don't try to do everything all at once. Take one step at a time.

Have an emotional connection to the task or goal.
Know why you want what you want. Why the goal or task is important to you? What impact it will have on your circumstances or situation?

Avoid procrastinating!
When you procrastinate, you're not moving forward. You've staled. You're stuck. Don't rest in procrastination: it will kill your motivation for sure. Avoid the excuses.

Have a plan.
When you have direction, a blueprint for the direction you desire to go, it will help you maintain your focus. Don’t just have an idea or thought about where you intend to go or what you intend to achieve. Have a plan of how you can reach that action.

Look at your obstacles differently.
Don't see your obstacles as a snag in your plan or a deterrent. Obstacles are part of the growth process in our life. Some come to test us. Some come to challenge our motivation. Obstacles come so you can process them, learn from them and then keep moving to the next level of your life. Strengths and weaknesses are discovered when obstacles or challenges arise. Overcome your weaknesses and strengthen your strong areas. Look at your obstacles as a way to POWER your motivation.

Examine your current level of motivation for the things you have determined you want. Are you truly motivated enough? Think of your own ways to POWER your motivation so you can make tremendous strides. Be clear about what you want and why you want it, then power up and get moving.

With definiteness of purpose
Gwen Thibeaux

Author's Bio: 

Gwen Thibeaux is a motivational teacher, speaker and author of “Embracing the Greatness Within: A Journey of Purpose and Passion.” Gwen is also founder and director of EYG Academy and Training Institute which provides workshops, programs and services that inspire performance improvement, leadership development, change management and personal development. For more information, visit http://www.embracingyourgreatness.com/. Need a speaker or want to bring a workshop to your group? Call 888-319-6343 or send an email to admin@eygacademy.com.