I'll never forget the sorrow I felt the day my beloved dog Jessie didn't go on the nightly walk with us. Instead he lay in the driveway barking and waiting for us to return. It was in that moment that I knew the quality of his life was deteriorating to the point where we should consider humane euthanasia.

The first obvious sign of Jessie's hip problem was when he tried to jump up a bank and couldn't quite make it. Instead he tenaciously hung there until he had to give up and realize that he couldn't follow his dog companion after that particular rabbit. After that his mobility became steadily worse. Medication from the vet helped at first but its positive effects quickly diminished and Jessie all too soon returned to painfully hobbling around.

The difficult decision arose…should we intervene and end Jessie's suffering or let nature take its course and allow him to die of "natural" causes?

Although the article title says how to make such a decision with ease and grace, the decision is never an easy one. However, following these three suggestions can help lighten your heart and assuage any guilt you may feel when faced with difficult choices and answers.

Limit Advice to One or Two People

When faced with a difficult choice most people like to search around so they can make an informed decision. But please keep in mind that each person's opinion and advice is tainted with their personal background and feelings. Decisions involving euthanasia often involve religious and moral principals. The person you are seeking advice from may have conflicting values and only serve to confuse and create more anxiety.

Instead limit your discussion to a trusted family member or friend. Or find a coach/ counselor that is familiar with the human-animal bond. He/she can provide a safe, supportive environment to help you make your decision. Most importantly, he/she can be a sounding board that will help you sort through tumultuous feelings and conflicting emotions.

In the end, you have the final say. Please make sure you are listening to yourself and not giving in to the best wishes and meaningful advice of others.

Ask Your Animal Companion

Your animal companions are always communicating with you. Are you listening? Find a quiet place, sit with your companion and ask him/her, "How can I best support you during this time?" Wait quietly and see what comes to your mind. You may see an image, hear something or feel something. Trust that whatever comes to you is communication from your pet and should be considered as their final wishes.

Your first impressions are the most accurate. If you still feel unsure, discuss what you received with your trusted friend, family member or coach.

Ask Your Large Self

There is a part of you that is connected to everyone and everything in the Universe. This part of you, your Large Self, knows and understands the unseen or Spiritual nature of your life and the life of your animal companion.

If you are still struggling with your decision turn it over to your Large Self and let Divine Grace ease your burden. Again simply ask, "I am struggling with this. What is the best path for my beloved friend right now?" The answer may come in a dream, or even a newspaper article you read the next day.

It's important that you trust whatever answer you receive and take action with a loving and open heart.

The decision to euthanize a much-loved animal companion is difficult at best. However, using these suggestions can help you reach a loving solution that holds your animal companion's best interest at heart.

Author's Bio: 

Becky Kimes is a Divine Animal Healer who specializes in supporting people to make wise and loving decisions regarding the health and well-being of their animal companions. Through a process called Divine Openings, Becky helps people fully experience their grief so they can get on with their lives in love and joy. Visit her at http://divinehealingforanimals.com and discover how she can help you make difficult decisions with ease and Grace.