PEP for HIV Treatment

PEP or Post-exposure prophylaxis. It involves taking antiretroviral drugs (ART) following signifying possibly exposed to HIV to stop acquiring infected. ... If you're directed PEP, you'll need to take it once or twice every day for 28 days. PEP is useful in stopping HIV when applied correctly.

Drugs used for PEP

PEP usually consists of three anti-HIV medicines, from two of the many groups. The several new UK guidelines suggest practicing Truvada (a fixed-dose mixture tablet mixing emtricitabine and tenofovir) of the NRTI group, and raltegravir (Isentress) of the integrase inhibitor type.

According to the study, PEP will several likely not stop HIV if it is started more than 72 hours later a person is presented to HIV. ... PEP is useful in stopping HIV when it's taken accurately.

Unsafe Intimacy while using PEP could let more HIV into your body, giving PEP much more likely not to work. If after taking PEP someone's visited HIV negative and then has Unsafe Intimacy again, people can become contaminated just like any other HIV negative person.

It needs a few days for HIV to grow rooted in the body following disclosure. PEP medications given at this time may help the body's immune system to prevent the virus from replicating (increasing) in the infected groups concerning the body.

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Director: Dr. Vinod Raina (born April 21, 1954)

PEP Treatment Medicine

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