The supplementation of vitamins as a treatment for cellulite is what most beauty companies thought to be the secret on smoothing out the cottage cheese or orange peel look of the skin. If you happen to come across a product that claims to be the ultimate cellulite cure, be wary. In cellulite treatment, supplements are good at fighting the condition, but they are not a definitive cure. The potent combination of various known remedies for cellulite like exercise, eating the right kind and amount of food, drinking an ample amount of water, as well as the recommended intake of supplements designed to combat cellulite are the most effective way of smoothing out dimply skin.

There are a lot of minerals and vitamins that have the property to expel cellulite. Vitamin C, for one, is known to fortify the body’s connective tissue and is an effective detoxifying supplement.

Fruits are the most abundant source of vitamin C, particularly fruits that are citrus in nature. Onions, tomatoes, berries, and asparagus are the other sources of vitamin C. For women, 75 milligrams of vitamin C is the recommended daily allowance, while for men, it is 90 milligrams. An extra 35 milligrams of vitamin C intake is advisable for those who smoke. This is because smokers metabolize vitamin C faster than non-smokers.

Another vitamin supplement that is known to normalize the skin’s cottage cheese look is vitamin E. This vitamin is important in keeping the skin healthy and for increasing blood circulation. Vitamin E is generally sourced out from nuts which are also rich in other nutrients like protein. The only drawback with nuts is that it also contains high levels of fat. So if you are practicing a diet which is low in fat, cut down your intake of nuts, and replace it with a vitamin E supplement. Fortunately enough, there are other sources of vitamin E which are low to no fat content at all like green leafy vegetables.

Selenium is another nutrient that is essential in cellulite treatment. It has the ability to enhance further the benefits of both vitamins C and E. Foods rich in selenium like broccoli are good at increasing the production of collagen in the body. Collagen is an important tissue builder and repairer. Since we want to fortify the weakened connective tissue that holds down the fat cells, we surely would want to pack our diet up with selenium-rich foods.

While there is no specific method that has been proven to alleviate cellulite once and for all, vitamins and minerals are integral in keeping the body and skin healthy. In the treatment for cellulite, a commitment to a long-term lifestyle change is necessary to ward off those unsightly orange peels. In the end, the diminishment of cellulite is not dependent on the type of cellulite treatment or methods that we use, it is on the kind of lifestyle we live and keep.

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The supplementations of essential vitamins that are known to fight cellulite have proven effective in smoothing out our lumps and bumps and thus serves as cellulite treatment. Want to know what are the right source and benefits of these vitamins? Read on and find out.