For vacationers and frequent travelers, keeping electronics charged while away from home can be a challenge. You never want to be without your cell phone, especially when you are in a new and different place. Plus, you don’t need that added worry while you are on vacation. Well, worry no more! Here are four tips for keeping your phone battery full while still enjoying your trip.

Invest in a Portable Charger
A portable charger is a great thing to bring with you on vacation, especially if you plan on taking a lot of pictures with your phone. You can even charge it at your hotel. Then during the day, if your battery starts to run low, you can charge it while you are out. Nowadays, there are also portable solar chargers. Let the sun do the work and recharge your phone while you enjoy your day.

Buy an Extra Battery
Some cell phones have removable batteries. This can be a real asset for travelers. Purchase an extra phone battery and keep them both fully charged. That way when one battery starts to run low, you can replace it with the fully charged one.

Sliding Power Case
There are plenty of power cases on the market all you have to do is find the bests one for you. Places like TYLT is definitely a great place to start on your search. The battery in this phone case can add hours to your phone life. With cases like this you can even remove the battery part of the phone case when you want to remove some of the bulk. Plus, it protects your phone and can be super stylish.

Stop Background Apps
Check the settings on your phone. Some apps run on your phone even when you are not using them. This causes your battery to drain even faster. Many apps run in the background on your phone, but Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are two of the biggest offenders. When you are trying to conserve battery life, remember that texting uses less power than a phone call. Text whenever you can. Turning down your screen’s brightness can also help to save juice.

With just a little planning, you and your phone can be fully prepared for vacation. Buy a portable charger or extra battery, invest in a battery phone case, and shut off background apps. With these four simple steps, you never have to worry about a dead cell phone again.

Author's Bio: 

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer from Sacramento, California. A mother of two, Hannah enjoys writing on blogs of all niches.