Occupy Wall Street protesters will have a hard time job hunting and getting jobs!

Reason = They display many behaviors employers NEVER want in people they hire.

How can protesting in Occupy Wall Street result in harming future job hunting prospects?

Here are some destructive consequences from being an OWS protester, plus job hunting advice to help protesters who want a job.


First, Occupy Wall Street protesters shut themselves out of the job hunting arena in a number of ways. They will find it hard to explain to job interviewers what they did for months while unemployed. Employers who discover they were busy protesting will light a match, and burn their resumes.

Second, participating in Occupy Wall Street displays awful attitudes toward work, including
> lousy work ethic
> irresponsibility
> entitlement mentality
> sociopathic behavior

For starters, work ethic looks minimal to nonexistent among Occupy Wall Street protesters. Protesters want organizations to cave in to their demands. But, in a job, employees must cater to customers’ and employers’ needs and demands – not their own personal demands. Being immersed in day-after-day screaming about how organizations should bend to their demands glorifies laziness and a demonstrates a lousy work ethic. No employer wants to hire a lazy person who possesses a bad work ethic.

Also, Occupy Wall Street protesters proudly advocate personal irresponsibility and act like cry-babies. For instance, OWS protesters demand other people, namely taxpayers, pay-off the protesters’ loans, including student loans. This proves they crave to toss personal responsibility out the window. After all, no one forced them to attend colleges they could not afford nor get loans. Responsible adults repay loans. It’s a troubling and childish mindset to demand other people take on obligations they agreed to.

Thus, Occupy Wall Street protesters appear to possess a dreadful entitlement mentality. As children grows into adults, they must fend for themselves, make choices, and keep promises. But, job hunters who gleefully demand entitlements they did not earn inevitably will act like unhappy, disgruntled employees – if any employer was stupid enough to hire them. And no employer wants to hire cry-babies.

Horribly, Occupy Wall Street protesters act thrilled ganging up to bully and harm innocent people. Protesters blocked traffic and sidewalks. That shows they do not care that their actions impact other people. Bullying while feeling no regret is typical behavior for sociopaths. It is like a street gang or thug. Employers avoid hiring job applicants who feel thrilled harming and bullying people. Such job applicants proved they delight in acting impolite –which is behavior that would harm customers and co-workers.


So, what job hunting advice do I recommend to Occupy Wall Street protesters who want to get a job -- eventually?
First, start job hunting, rather than protesting.

Second, hang around responsible people who work and repay debts.

Third, Occupy Wall Street protesters can fulfill their humanistic desires by volunteering at charities during evenings and weekends. Volunteering will teach OWS protesters how to help people in the real world, rather than childishly demanding other people help them. It also can improve their work ethic, because they will need to show up and produce results – rather than merely spout rhetoric at social or political events, such as Occupy Wall Street protests.

COPYRIGHT 2011 MICHAEL MERCER, www.JobHuntingMadeEasy.com

Author's Bio: 

Michael Mercer, Ph.D., authored the 6 books, including “JOB HUNTING MADE EASY” and also “HIRE THE BEST & AVOID THE REST.” So, Dr. Mercer is an expert in knowing what organizations look for when they decide which job applicants to hire – or not-hire. His books and coaching helps job hunters uncover job opportunities, impress hiring managers, and get job offers. You can get more job hunting and job search tips, and subscribe to his newsletter, at his website www.JobHuntingMadeEasy.com