First let me explain regular headaches. These are usually caused by stress and/or tension causing the neck muscles to tighten up. This causes pressure on the blood vessels which in turn causes them to swell from the restriction of the blood flow. The swelling causes pressure on the pain nerves which is then felt as pain, a headache. Aspirins usually cause the blood to thin which relieves the pressure on the pain nerves and thus a temporary relief from the pain. The aspirin is the relief from the effect, not the cause which is the stress/tension.
About 10% of North Americans suffer with Migraine Headaches with women being afflicted three times more than men. The precise cause of a Migraine Headache is not fully known, occasionally light and sound can trigger the headache. Experts are unable to agree about what causes Migraine Headaches, there are countless theories which are not conclusive. They do agree that more research is needed because not every Migraine sufferer is sensitive to the common triggers.
The definition of "migraine" is "half the head", because most migraine headaches often hurt on only one side of the head, be it left or right. For many years it was thought that these headaches were the result of a dilation of the blood vessels, caused by stress and tension. Present-day research now tends to favour alternative explanations. In some cases the emotional circumstances of the patient's life, past and present can influence the situation. Old memories or unresolved trauma can surface.
The method I have used has helped many people get rid of the cause of Migraine Headaches. The technique has been developed over the last 16 years and has proven successful for many people who suffer with Migraine Headaches.
Using Past Life Regression and Progression™ techniques that focuses the client’s attention on the area of concern to achieve relief. The method is basically concentrating the distracted mind and disciplining it to harness a state of relaxation. Past Life Regression and Progression™ therapy unlocks the memory to create images in your mind’s eye of the pain being suffered, the Migraine Headache. A good example is imagining in your mind’s eye a big bright sour juicy lemon. Seeing yourself taking a bite of this bitter lemon. Most people will start to pucker and salivate. What has happened is that the lemon is not in your mouth, but the memories are there and the physical body is affected by the memories.
Another example is Wayne Gretsky, the famous Canadian hockey player. He stated that the reason he scored so well was because he would see the hockey puck go into the net just before he shot it in. His memories, his imagination saw it happening, so his subconscious, which controls our body, does everything it can to achieve what we see.
I usually find the most effective way to explain my methods, is to give an example using one of my many successful case histories.
A 48 year old client that I worked with had been suffering quite regularly, since around puberty with intense Migraine Headaches. They would occur usually once a month, lasting several days. No traditional medications would relieve them.
Past Life Regression and Progression™ therapy focused the client’s attention on the concern surrounding their Migraine Headaches. This technique allowed the client to harness a memory that he now uses as a “tag” ™, giving him control to eliminate his Migraine Headaches if they arise.
Several months later he reported that he hadn’t suffered from any Migraine Headaches since his session.
Now, what had happened to relieve the pain of his Migraine Headaches?
Was it his imagination?
His memories?
Does it matter?
In other words, if a Migraine Headache starts, by using Past Life Regression and Progression™ therapy you have a solution for the cause not the effect. I have worked with many Migraine Headache sufferers and achieved success.
Write up provided by Chris Lee, HT, CMH Canadian Clinical Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regressionist.
Chris Lee’s evolution into behavioural patterns and personality traits began in the 1970s when he spent over 8 years as a Law Enforcement Officer and a Police Constable. He completed his Clinical Hypnotherapy training in 1995 which utilized current life therapy. Since then he has dedicated his life to exploring Past Lives with his clients, creating his own unique Past Life Regression and Progression™ therapy. By using his technique, Chris found his effectiveness in helping his clients increased from 20% to 95%.
Chris is a keynote speaker who travels across Canada, USA and Europe helping people create positive changes in their lives. His mantra is, “if you are not sure whether it’s your past lives or your imagination, but your life improves, then who cares”.
If you would like to discover how this non-medicinal method can work for you, please contact Chris Lee, HT, CMH at for a FREE CONSULTATION or visit his website
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