The science community has not found a health benefit at this time for the trace minerals listed below. Each micro-trace mineral below is found in our bodies and is there for a reason, we just don’t know why at this time. For example, Lead consumed excessively causes hypertension, renal damage, cognitive function, and spontaneous abortion. However, as a trace amount, it must have some purpose since a micro-amount is found in shellfish, green leafy vegetables (especially in spinach), legumes, and red meat.
****Read this review about an amazing product that my mom wrote concerning my brother, who was very ill in March, 2020. (If interested in this product, please use coupon code, BER298, to save money during checkout.)
At the present time, and I mean ‘present time,’ research scientists are not sure how the following list of trace minerals helps the human body, but they must have their purpose: rhodium, zirconium, neodymium, molybdenum, ruthenium, palladium, silver, cadmium, indium, and tin. Now, the one trace mineral on this list, ‘Rhodium,’ is responsible for the absorption, utilization, and excretion of the trace minerals listed (those underlined have been identified as having a purpose in a previous article.)
It is believed that cancer and viruses may someday find themselves blinded by the light of therapies based on Purdue University’s chemistry research. A team of scientists has developed a group of rhodium-based compounds that, when exposed to light, can kill tumor cells and deactivate a virus closely related to the West Nile and Yellow Fever viruses. Unlike the ordinary substances used for chemotherapy, these chemicals are not harmful to the body in general---they only become lethal to DNA when activated by light of a specific frequency. While therapies based on the discovery are likely many years away, the compounds could have potential as anticancer agents and for blood sterilization.
Only recently has the role of trace elements been appreciated. Trace minerals do not exist by themselves but in relationship to one another. Too much of one trace mineral can lead to imbalances in others resulting in disease, rather than the absence of disease. Mineral deficiencies and imbalances are known to affect and be involved in disorders of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal, muscular, skeletal, neurological, immune and endocrine systems. This has led to even more confusion, since minerals are interrelated with each other, as well as being linked with the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and of course, vitamins. However, it is obvious when studying the relationship of minerals to human health that keeping the level of minerals in balance in every tissue, fluid, cell, and organ in the human body may be a key to maintaining overall human health, which includes cancer and disease prevention.
Now, as for these trace minerals, perhaps one day we’ll learn what part they play in human health: Titanium, Hafnium, Terbium, Gadolinium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Niobium, Tantalum, Thorium, Thallium, Rhenium, Palladium, iridium, and osmium.
In closing, one should take a multiple vitamin supplement containing not just vitamins but trace minerals too. At the beginning of this article, I mentioned about my brother and the supplement he takes. However, there is a supplement for women, too. Here’s the link: If buying, use this coupon code, BER298, to save money during checkout.
For the complete book, “Oh! Feeling Pretty! Can Trace Minerals Fight Viruses, Prevent Cancer, and Other Ailments,” click on this link:
Disclaimer: I am an avid reader with a craving for learning about life itself, especially when concerns health, happiness, outer and inner beauty. I am not a medical professional. I am just someone having a need to share what I’ve learned and discovered.
My Sources
Trace Elements and Other Essential Nutrients, by David Watts
Minerals For the Genetic Code, Charles Walters, Jr.
Dead Doctors Don’t Lie, by Joel D. Wallach and Ma Lan
Minerals, Trace Elements, and Human Health, by Alexander G. Schauss
Kelley Curl is the author of, “My Curly Hair Self: Living with a Visual Processing Disorder.”
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