I often have asked myself if one person alone can make a difference in this world. I can truly say that Dr. Clark has made a huge difference.

In September 2009, Dr. Clark passed away and hundreds of testimonials and letters of condolences from all over the world in all languages poured in to the offices of Dr. Clark.

Reading the many testimonials and letters proved to me that "yes, one person alone, like Dr. Clark, can achieve extraordinary accomplishments through their tireless dedication helping others."

Many thought Dr. Clark deserved a Nobel Prize, me included.

Among the many emails, there were several professionals and health practitioners.

Here below, are some of these testimonials. In order to protect the privacy of the writers, they're signed only by their first name or initials. I hope you understand, that if you don’t see your testimonial among these, it's not due to lack of appreciation.

To whom it may Concern:
My name is Scott R. Werner, M.D., I developed Invasive Malignant Melanoma in 1987 with metastasis (Stage 4). The Doctors at my hospital told me to just go home and enjoy the last part of my life and get my home in order.
I wasn't ready to die, so I prayed, and the name Hulda Clark came to my mind. An Article written by Hulda was on my desk the next morning (everyone I asked didn't know where it had come from).

I gave Hulda a call and she told me how to cure my Cancer. That was 23 years ago.
I became an advocate Herbalist using the parasite cleanse, Esiac Tea, Cat's Claw, getting people to eat a more wholesome diet, and have seen miracle after miracle because of my one phone call many years ago. When I heard of Hulda's passing, I couldn't hold back the tears of Gratitude for her. She will be missed!
I honor all of you in continuing Hulda's life work and mission.
Sincerely, Scott M.D.

Another letter sent in reads:

Thank you for your tribute for Dr. Clark. I greatly admire her dedication to uncovering the truth about many illnesses even when the truth was not easy to put out there and caused, as you say, some attacks from govt.

I have one of her books. Her information about dental toxins was a big part of me regaining my health. I wish there were more people out there like her. The world has lost a very important doctor for educating people about their health........Janie

And lastly, Brian writes:

I met Dr Clark at a seminar in Chicago in 2004 and presented her with a drawing portrait of herself, as thanks for helping me heal myself of a devastating disease that is supposed to be incurable!

I love her so very much for sharing her lifelong findings with the world and giving people options and hope for life. I will miss her so much. We use to correspond thru fax, her only means of safe communication to those who really needed to speak with her. What an impact she made. Brian

These are only a few of the many letters of gratitude sent after Dr. Clarks passing. This incredible woman made phenomenal strides in the research and proven results of curing cancer and all diseases. Her several books are still available and are still bringing healing and hope to thousands who have been attacked by this devastating disease.

Author's Bio: 

Steve is a Naturopath, researcher, author and health consultant. Discover other helpful information about herbs, vitamins, drug interactions, parasites and much more at: http://natural-cures-remedies.com/