My Wife Bores Me: My Wife Is A Boring Person
So, you are beginning to wonder why you sometimes say, "My Wife Bores me." Maybe you have not said it aloud, but it is becoming a problem in your mind. After all, who really wants to be with a boring wife?
The key reason why this is very important is if you don't turn things around, you may begin to stray. If you don't stray, you will just lead a dull life.
I understand how you really feel because sometimes things seem to be in a rut, but did you know, that your wife and my wife may feel the exact same way at times.
So, can you renew the excitement in your marriage?
Those people who are successful at overcoming the feeling of being bored with their spouses can see a secret.
What is that secret?
Here it is: The answer really lies with ourselves more than it does with our husbands or wives. So, if your wife bores you, the solution really lies within you. Let's take a look at three ways to overcome the feeling of being bored with our wives.
1. Realize that you might be boring yourself.
To begin with, it is possible to be in a rut that is just as much your fault as it is hers. So if you are thinking to yourself, "My wife bores me," maybe you need to turn things around and look in the mirror.
Uh, Oh, that's not what you wanted to hear. Sorry, but it is probably true. You need to do what you can to spice things up again.
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2. Write down good points about your wife.
Although you realize that you might be boring yourself, additionally you can write down good points about your wife and review them quite often.
You may be forgetting to compliment your wife. Reading these points will remind you. This will also help you to realize that the grass is probably not really greener on the other side.
It is your responsibility to value your wife. It is also your responsibility to make her feel valued. When you start on this project, you won't have as much time to sit around and think about how she bores you. In fact, if you start coming up with creative ways to show her that you value her, she might in turn start surprising you in some creative ways too.
3. Get to know her again.
Besides realizing that you might be boring yourself. and writing down good points about your wife, you also can get to know her again. This really is the secret. Something attracted you to her in the first place. If she has lost some of those qualities because of the pressures of life, make it your project to try to revive them.
She also has grown since you first met. Spend some time talking to her. Notice her. See where she has developed new positive qualities. Get to know her again. If you really get to know her, I doubt that you will find her boring.
We've seen that realizing that you might be boring yourself, writing down good points about your wife, and getting to know her again will help you to get the focus off of how you feel and on to doing things to lift her up. This will give you some non-boring things to do. The more you build her up, the less boring you will seem to her, and the less boring she will seem to you. It will seem like you no longer have a boring wife!
Pay Close Attention Here-
Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will make your spouse love you for the rest of their lives even if they are this close to walking out the door. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will save your marriage and get you back to that place you once were - in love, committed and excited about the future - within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here
A man doesn't have to agree with everything his wife says.
A man can say "no" to his wife's requests.
A man can go a direction that's different from the one his wife wants to take.
He can do all of these things and his wife will STILL respect, admire, appreciate, and be attracted to long as she knows that he has carefully listened to her and considered the different variables that she is trying to bring to his awareness.
Unfortunately, the big mistake I frequently see husbands make is that they simply don't listen to their wife. They don't appreciate the broader scope and alternate perspectives that she brings to the table.
Rather, they just shut their wife out...and their wife shuts down sexually.
The point is that a man should ALWAYS listen to what his wife has to say and CONSIDER what it is that she's striving to help him understand in her female form of indirect prompting.
And then, he has to do one more critical thing: IMPLEMENT!
This is where many men blow it. They'll listen to their wife. They'll consider what she has to say. But then, they just don't do anything with it. They don't make changes that need to be made. They don't take the actions that need to be taken. They just keep on riding the old status quo train.
The net effect is that they didn't listen to their wife. They didn't grasp the fact that their wife was trying to make things better in some particular area of their marriage.
What if your spouse don't love you anymore? Here's how to get them addicted to you like when you fell in love for the first time
I've had wife after wife tell me that they tried to talk with their husband about some problem in their marriage and he essentially ignored her.
Many of these wives even did it in the right way. The first talk, she tried to be as nice and inoffensive as possible and to just make suggestions about how things could be made better. The second time, she was a little more direct and blunt. The third and remaining times, she went into a full-fledged blow-up.
And, each time she tried to talk to her husband, he agreed with her. He may have even went so far as to cry and promise her that he'd do better.
But, after the storm was over, he didn't really do anything.
Honestly, in the man's mind, everything was fine just the way it was and he really wasn't interested in making any changes. That's why he didn't do anything. As far as he was concerned, things were OK because he had a wife to cook, clean, take care of the kids, and go to bed with.
Of course, I usually hear about all of this after the wife has filed for divorce and the husband has begged her to get on the phone with me to see if there's any way I can persuade her to go back to him.
However, long before the wife left her husband, they had nothing more than a (mostly) civil friendship. They certainly didn't have a happy, sex-filled marriage.
What if your spouse already left you? Here's how to get them back.
A normal woman will soon enough reach the point where she refuses to have sex with a man that she doesn't respect and a man who won't listen, consider, and implement as appropriate is a man she won't respect.
Have you ever heard your wife say something like this?
"We don't ever do anything together any more. We need to do more things together..."
"You want to go out with me? I'm going to the store for a few things..."
"You're a good husband but sometimes, I just feel lonely..."
"Sometimes, I feel like we've just lost it...we don't really have that connection we used to have..."
"Maybe we should go see a marriage counselor to help us get back the passion we once had..."
Actually, the more important question is, "What did you DO when you heard your wife say these things?"
If you're like the normal man, you didn't do anything.
Here's the deal, some wives will move into the UNNATURAL position of being the LEADER in their marriage...they'll be the one who CARRIES the marriage and who tries to help and fix it. But, NO woman will do this forever. Eventually, she'll get fed up with having a man who won't listen to her pleas for improvement. Eventually, she'll reach a threshold where she's just DONE. No more! It's DIVORCE time.
Next, click here now to find out why your spouse is lying to you about the reasons they want a divorce. Follow the information step by step and you will discover the truth, cut through the lies and pain, stop divorce dead in its tracks, and rebuild the strong, intimate marriage you've always wanted... even if your spouse doesn't want to!
Save your marriage now and visit Save The Marriage
Can I save my marriage from divorce? If you've been asking this question you're not alone. Many people reach a point in their relationship when they realize they've drifted apart from their spouse. Feeling as though you two aren't connected anymore isn't easy and it's especially difficult if you have children. Divorce is a big step to take and if you still love your spouse you shouldn't be too quick to throw in the towel. There are steps you can take right now that will revitalize your relationship.
When you are wondering can I save my marriage from divorce think about how open communication is between you and your spouse. Do you two take time each and every day to listen to one another? Most couples who have been married for sometime don't. It's easy to overlook the importance of staying connected with your partner by sharing your experiences, thoughts and feelings. If you two have stopped talking, now is the time to start again. If life is too busy to find a few moments alone, make the time. Perhaps you can plan to cook dinner together so you have a chance to catch up then, maybe a few moments before you fall asleep can be your time to talk. You just need to make communication a priority in your relationship.
What if your spouse don't love you anymore? Here's how to get them addicted to you like when you fell in love for the first time
Couples struggling in their relationships often resent one another. It's easy for two people living together, especially those raising children, to start to feel resentment towards the other person. This can happen if one spouse becomes primarily responsible for tending to the needs of the children. It's also typical of a marriage that has been touched by infidelity. If a couple allows resentment to enter their marriage, it's hard to remain positive and focused on the marriage growing. Sit down with your spouse and work through any issue that may be causing resentment for either of you. Often times the other partner has no idea that their spouse is feeling negative towards them. You need to clear the table of those emotions before you can rebuild your relationship.
Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.
There are few things that impress a woman more than a man who has outstanding manners.
Now, that may at first seem rather ho-hum...why would a woman be so impressed with a man who has outstanding manners?
It's because outstanding manners demonstrate to a woman that this is a man who respects himself and who is thoughtful, considerate, and respectful of others...and that's pretty much what every woman's "dream" man is like...a high-quality man with a high level of self-respect for himself who is also thoughtful, considerate, and respectful towards her.
And so, when she encounters a man with outstanding manners, she is essentially encountering her "dream" guy...and that will always get her attention...she'll always take notice of such a man.
Might you be interested in being your wife's "dream" man?
If so, let me give you a few "starter" items that you can consider as potential improvement opportunities:
* When someone extends thoughtfulness towards you, what do you do? Do you write them a thank-you note? Do you voice your appreciation? Do you do anything at all?
* How aware are you of quality, beauty, craftsmanship, integrity, skill, love, wisdom, and all things that come about as a result of concentrated, applied human thought, intention, and effort? Whether it's a small child's work, the wisdom of a senior citizen, or the person who's doing a fantastic job in their business, do you even notice? Do you let them know that you recognize their gifts and talents that they are sharing with the world? Do you "light them up" with your awareness of them?
What do I really need to do to make my spouse love me again? Is it possible to build massive attraction in my spouse?
To learn the killer, advanced strategies to save your marriage, simply click here!
* When you are eating, how civilized and classy are you? Do you plop both elbows on the table, hang your head over your plate and start shoveling food in? Do you smack, belch, or fart at the table?
* What about cleanliness? Do you wash up and clean up before you join the company of others? How clean are you when you go to the table? How clean are you when you go to bed? What do your fingernails and toenails look like?
* What about appearance? With clothes or without them, how do you look? Are you neat, trim, and groomed? Or, are you haggard, unkempt, tacky, and gross? After all, if you respect and appreciate yourself and others, you'll always strive to have a pleasing, appealing appearance, won't you?
In what other ways might you be able to demonstrate personal class and personal value through improved manners and mannerisms?
In many ways, what I'm talking about here is being a gentleman. And, being a gentleman means being a man who ACKNOWLEDGES the life-force, the uniqueness, the goodness, and the value of BOTH himself and every human being he encounters.
For a well-known example that you can model, check out a few James Bond 007 movies and pay close attention to his excellent and genteel manners and social graces.
I can assure you, when you start behaving and operating with these kinds of outstanding manners every time you are around your wife, she will quickly begin to notice you as being a man who is a cut above a man who is worthy of her attention and devotion.
Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again.
You don't have to worry about whether your spouse is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make them fall hopelessly in love with you.
Now you can stop your divorce or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit Stop Marriage Divorce
There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Save The Marriage to find out more.
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