My Husband Doesn't Want To Have Sex Because I'm Fat: Husband Makes Comments about My Weight

Answer the following questions below to help determine whether your marriage can be saved or if your husband is cheating on you. Remember, you clicked on this article and in order for this to work you need to please get a pen and paper, and answer this questionnaire. This will lead you in the right direction. Make two columns, 1A and the second as 2B.

Section 1A

1.) My husband says I'm fat.
(usually, this will mean that you husband is constantly making comments your weight and usually starts out as little jokes that progress into something more serious.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

2.) My husband doesn't have sex with me because I'm fat.
(Your husband may not come out and say it, but he will come up with excuses other than your weight being an issue to not have sex with you.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

3.) My husband is embarrassed because I'm fat.
(This will mean something like how you have noticed that your husband does not want to go out into the public with you or will find an excuse to not be around you in public places.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

4.) My husband gets angry easily.
(You've noticed that your husband gets angry with you easily or simple or for dumb reasons)
A.) Yes
B.) No

5.) My husband is always yelling at me.
(Usually what happens here is when your husband has lost interest in speaking to you and does not want to be around you so he will try and pick fights with you to have a reason to leave the house. Careful* sometimes, this may be an early warning sign that your husband is cheating on you. He will yell or start a fight to have a reason to leave the house to go see his mistress.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

What do I really need to do to make my spouse love me again? Is it possible to build massive attraction in my spouse?

To learn the killer, advanced strategies to save your marriage, simply click here!

6.) My husband makes comments about my weight.
(Many times you may find your husband making subtle comments about your weight or suggest joining a weight loss organization. Sometimes, if he really cares, he will be supportive and may mention that the two of you join a fitness program rather than criticize you.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

7.) My husband makes comments about what I eat.
(Your husband will make comments about what you eat by saying, "you're still eating" or "you're going to eat that?".
A.) Yes
B.) No

8.) My husband doesn't show affection to me anymore.
(Your husband doesn't show affection to you anymore because he's turned off by you. He's not truly in love with you anymore and something to highly consider is that he may seem or interested in someone else.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

9.) My husband keeps his distance from you at grocery stores.
(Your husband keeps his distance from you in public because he feels embarrassed by you. Many times he is looking wanting the attention of other women.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

Second Column

Section 2B

1.) My husband has a new e-mail address and didn't tell me about it.
(Sometimes, when something like this happens when things are going bad in your relationship, this is the beginning part of a tell-tale sign of a cheating spouse.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

2.) My husband has condoms and we don't have sex.
(Your husband has no reason to be carrying condoms if the two of you aren't having sex period.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

3.) He deletes all of his incoming calls and e-mails.
(It takes no rocket scientist to figure out that your husband is hiding or keeping something deep from you.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

4.) When the two of you get into big fights or arguments, does your husband mention divorce?
(Your husband may bring up divorce in your arguments because he is seeing or has found another woman.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

5.) My husband has become violent with me.
(He starts becoming violent with you because he just does not care about you or he hates you now. If there is another woman in his life, then all he is thinking about is her and you are the bad guy in his way.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

What if your spouse already left you? Here's how to get them back.

6.) My husband comes home late from work now.
(Your husband is either seeing another woman after work or is at the Japanese Steak House eating sushi.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

7.) My husband doesn't answer his phone when I call.
(Your husband is with another woman or is talking about how big the transmission I his car is)
A.) Yes
B.) No

8.) You found porn on your husband computer.
(Your husband is obvious not in love with you anymore and not interested in your body.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

9.) Your husband keeps his cell phone on his nightstand when he goes to sleep.
(He is worried that he will receive an unwelcome late night phone call from some woman or he is a doctor waiting for a call to perform a late night surgery you figure it out.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

10) My husband asked if it was OK to love two people in a relationship.
(He is fishing for answers and wants to see your reactions.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

11.) My gut feeling tells me my husband is cheating on me.
(Usually, if your gut feeling tells you something, go with it. Many times, your gut feeling is right though your husband's gut feeling may mean something else.)
A.) Yes
B.) No

If you answered yes to more than 4 questions in Section 1A and 5 questions in Section 2B of the questions listed above, you MUST refer below. Whether you are able to save your marriage or find out if your husband is cheating on you, please share this information with a friend or family member that may benefit from this.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will make your spouse love you for the rest of their lives even if they are this close to walking out the door. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will save your marriage and get you back to that place you once were - in love, committed and excited about the future - within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Have you ever ignored a problem hoping it would somehow go away only to find that it actually became a bigger problem because you ignored it? Unfortunately, often times marriage problems are allowed to linger instead of getting fixed and before you know it you are dealing with a bigger or multiple problems.

If you have procrastinated in addressing your marriage problems don't throw in the towel yet. You may still have time to fix your marriage problems and I have listed 3 simple tools you can use to help you get started.

Fixing Your Communication Marriage Problems - Tool #1 If you feel like your marriage is suffering because of a lack of communication then make a few simple changes.

1. Agree with your spouse that you will both listen and pay attention during times of important conversation. If there is an important matter being discussed, full attention will be required.

2. Important matters should be discussed in the proper forum. No marital discussions at a loud party or ballgame. Communicating is important and should be made a priority in your marriage.

What if your spouse don't love you anymore? Here's how to get them addicted to you like when you fell in love for the first time

Fixing Your Intimacy Marriage Problems Tool #2 - If you feel like your marriage is suffering because of a lack of intimacy, then make a few simple changes as follows;

1. Have a non-confrontational discussion about the intimacy and start with clarifying what intimacy means to each of you. Your definition of intimacy may be different than your spouses. Clear the air!

2. Just do it. You probably didn't think about being intimate early on in your relationship you just were. Since we are creatures of habit because you haven't practiced being intimate you just got use to not being intimate. Start immediately and consistently pouring out your affections on your spouse. It will seem odd at first but return to normalcy after a short while.

Fixing Your Conflict Marriage Problems Tool #3 - If you feel like your marriage is suffering because of too much conflict, then make a few simple changes as follows;

1. Call a week long truce on all verbal (and God forbid physical) assaults on each other or other family members. The importance of comfort and security found in a peaceful home cannot be measured. Next establish some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed in dealing with your conflict marriage problems. Hitting is obviously out and so is foul language and verbal abuse. Marriage is an equal partnership and respect of each other is a minimum requirement.

2. During the week long truce take time to individually figure out what you most often fight about and come together and review your list. The focus should be on "I" and not "You". By this I mean figure out what causes you to go to battle and how are you going to change to reduce the conflict in your marriage. Your spouse needs to do the same.

Do you believe that you can have a great marriage instead of a so-so or bad marriage? I hope you do because I believe you can and not because I know anything about you. I have seen marriages turned around and be renewed from some of the ugliest issues couples can face.

Next, click here now to find out why your spouse is lying to you about the reasons they want a divorce. Follow the information step by step and you will discover the truth, cut through the lies and pain, stop divorce dead in its tracks, and rebuild the strong, intimate marriage you've always wanted... even if your spouse doesn't want to!

Save your marriage now and visit Save The Marriage

Are you worried and wondering how to make my husband fall in love with me again!

I realize that the internet is chock full of women's points of view on the subject. And of them men who are dishing out this advice, most are coming at it through a therapist eyes... and not as...well a husband.

I'm a husband who's been through a terrible marriage and come out the other side happy again, and completely in love with my wife.

Duh! Who better to ask right?

The truth is that as men we're pretty easy to make happy, and get us feeling attracted to you. But at the same time, we're not as simple as women seem to think that we are.

So here are 3 tips for the woman asking "How to Make My Husband Fall in Love With Me Again"...

1) Don't forget how visually stimulated we are. Women are wired completely different than men when it comes to attraction. As a woman you just can't seem to understand how much our eyeballs play a part in our attraction to you. While you become attracted to things because emotional and logical reasons, it's not as complicated for a guy.

Women also tend to use all 5 senses when it comes to attraction, such as smell, sound, and touch, where men are predominantly visual. In other words, we want to see your parts more often.

What do I really need to do to make my spouse love me again? Is it possible to build massive attraction in my spouse?

To learn the killer, advanced strategies to save your marriage, simply click here!

2) Keeping Number 1 in Mind...don't think that we care as much about all of those things that you don't like about your body. The truth is that we don't really give a stink about that little bit of extra flab as much as you think we do. It means much more to you than us (and yes, when your husband says that he really means it), and actually hiding it really messes things up worse, because you're hiding everything else along with the problem areas. All those things that stimulate our visual attraction muscles, we can't see. Therefore we don't become attracted.

3) Stop Nagging! Yes, it sounds cliché but the truth is that hearing you nag really does stink. It's very annoying. You nag because you pay attention to the details. We hate nagging because we really don't. I would say that a great majority of marriages that fail do so because of nagging, and the refusal to stop nagging.

You really just need to ask us nicely a couple of times, and maybe REWARD US when we do what we're asked. How to reward us... See Number 1!

So there are 3 simple things that could easily be the answers to the women who's asking how to make my husband fall in love with me again.

It's likely that your husband hasn't even fallen out of love with you. It may have just been very difficult to show it.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

Many married women wish they knew how to deal with an emotionally distant husband. Over the course of a relationship things can shift and feelings can change. Your husband who was once very attentive and loving may now seem distant and pre-occupied. You may have tried talking to him about what is going on but chances are that he's told you that it's nothing or not to worry over it. Of course, you're going to have concerns if you feel there's an emotional gap between you and the man you married. If you are worried that the distance will only increase and you want to remedy that now, you have to take action to change things now.

Understanding how to deal with an emotionally distant husband includes recognizing that trying to get him to talk about it, may not be the best approach. If a woman continually badgers a man to talk about what he's feeling, he may withdraw even more. He'll pull back into himself and the distance between them will become impossible to overcome. Instead of asking him everyday to talk to you about his feelings, you're going to make some positive changes in the way you interact with him. You're going to bring him out of his shell.

What if your spouse don't love you anymore? Here's how to get them addicted to you like when you fell in love for the first time

Many men become emotionally distant because they don't feel their needs are being met anymore. This can happen once the marriage matures a bit and the dynamic between the couple changes. If you've been neglecting spending time with your husband in favor of tending to everything else that is pressing within your life that can greatly impact your marriage. He may sense that he's been pushed down your priority list and that can lead to feelings of resentment. Work on balancing your schedule so you can make more time for him. Look to him to help you with that. He'll be touched by the effort you're making.

He may need to have his ego pumped a bit and you're just the person to do that. Early in a marriage we often tell our husbands how much we need him and how grateful we are for everything he brings to our lives. He needs to hear those things. It validates who he is as a man and as a husband. Start telling him each and every day how much you need him and how lucky you feel to be his wife. By doing this you'll rebuild the lost connection and it will help him feel closer to you all over again.

Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again.

You don't have to worry about whether your spouse is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make them fall hopelessly in love with you.

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Now you can stop your divorce or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit Stop Marriage Divorce

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Save The Marriage to find out more.

Looking for love and romance can be challenging. Discuss your marriage problems on our forum. We can help you find a great loving relationship! Go to: Relationship Forum