So here’s the breakdown – Is well under way with a total of 8 posts now online.  With some traffic and some income being earned via Adsense

Product sites

With the 2 shop sites I have been doing its official I hate SHOP Sites, They are a hard time consuming thing to do.  I now have another shop site to do, which is one of the on-line consultant jobs I have been asked to do.  It will be interesting to see how the sites progress and just how quickly I can do them.

New Tools/Plugins Purchased

AZON – Snatcher -plus  – I am using this plug-in for 2 online Amazon store sites I want to do.  Basically, you set a post up with any Item you want to promote, the plug-in searchs the web and puts in the cheapest offers for that it it can find. and are both niches I like.

HTC Phone – I have finally got my self a new mobile phone, and got rid of the Blackberry.  I have also now changed mobile phone carrier.  I will need this to keep in contact with the financial markets.

Trading – AsI stated I wasn’t doing any Trading through December.  But I have identified 5 potential stocks to buy in 5 different companies, I will continue to monitor them and report on what I purchase and why.


I have bought another 260 000 Articles this month, for $5 thanks to  I really just wanted to see what the quality is  like, I found a large amount of them are the same articles I bought last Month.  I guess that’s what happens with PLR Articles


My efforts to ramp my job up has paid as well.  I achieved 10 sales.  But had 1 sale fall through. So its 9 so far.


My property Goals are at least 6 months away.  BUT I am starting to work on a concept for a property website.  I find there is a lot of uncertainity at the moment in the Australian market.

Actual Online Passive INCOME – December 2011

Google Adsense   – $8.39

Industry Advertising Site    -$60

* Total in December – $68.39

Although $69.39 is not impressive, it is completely passive.  Yes it did take work setting up the sites, and some capital outlay, but that income would now occur even if I didn’t do anything else.  And also its 755% growth on my November results  I am confident that I can continue to grow my passive income.  If I continue to work the methods I am now using.

I am trying to diverify my income avenues as much as possible.  So I am broadening my strategies as much as possible. I will continue to develop my other sites employing different methods. Moving in to January I am refocusing on my Fitness goals as well,  I want to be able to perform as well as I can.

Ultimate Goals.

I now have posted my goals up – read it here – My 2012 Goals

Anyone reading this feel free to leave a message or comment,

I look at my December 2011 results. Ways to increase income Follow along and see the results.

Author's Bio: 

After spending years suffering from mental and physical abuse growing up, followed by years of depression and soul destroying self-doubt I took stock of my life and left a 12 hour a day, well-paying job and a 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom mansion to travel the world, study Buddhist teachings and do volunteer work in Australia and Africa. I also studied counseling, life coaching and familiarized myself with many self help products.