Much Larger than Ourselves
Did you know that you are an important part of the big picture? Well, know that you are.
Wouldn’t you agree that our lives have many themes that simply show up as necessary? In fact, sometimes they seem to just tap us on the shoulder when we least expect it. Most would agree that the momentum of life goes a certain way as it unfolds into the big picture. You may want to think of it much like the creation of a tapestry forming a poignant masterpiece, though it is still not yet seen. Stitch by stitch it slowly reveals its beauty and magnificence, and then it may be framed and put up on the wall. Life is oftentimes this way. We don’t always know what this big picture looks like. We know it is much larger than ourselves!
Creation is the force that brought us into existence. We are here by this energy of creation. Some may say that we clearly choose our way through life, whereas others may say that much is predestined. Have you given any thought to what it is that you believe? Regardless in either case, however, our experiences create and reveal patterns which thereby become the story of our life. The themes may vary or they may continually be expressed. Our own level of awareness is critical to how these themes play out in our lives. If we are unaware, or resistant, we may not notice or learn much from them. How and why we experience this story of ours is oftentimes a peculiar mystery. The chapters unfold in their own unique way and sometimes they don’t make much sense. What do you envision in your story? How would you like it to be known? It helps to realize that Your Story is much larger than you think.
You Are Unique: Each and every one of us is unique in our way of being in the world. Our physical, spiritual and energetic body come together to create our personhood. This is what allows us to see what we see and know what we know.
How well do you feel you know yourself? It sounds very simple, but actually is it? I am referring to your true core essence, the impressionable you who laughs, smiles and cries; not the roles you play that keep the wheels of life turning. It is your full essence that makes for all of the movement so the wheels of life turn anyway!
We each awaken and reawaken, awaken and reawaken. It is a cycle like everything here in this life. One day we wake up to the realization that another part of our life has either changed or evolved in some manner.
It is up to you to decide how you can take those changes to cultivate the beauty of your next chapter? What is the dream that you hold within? Remember that your dream is larger than yourself. That dream has a life of its own. It is a dream to awaken within your soul. It lives within you, though just because you are the dreamer of the dream, it is not yours to keep. The truth is since it is much larger than you, it must be freed for others to share!
Welcome that sacred dream into your heart and soul. Allow it to permeate your being and emerge through your senses. When you share your dream, you inspire me. When I share my dream, I inspire you. That’s just the nature of a dream. Dreams grow with faith. Dreams grow with persistence. Dreams grow with compassion. Dreams grow with Love. It is the only way to nourish that which cannot be destroyed.
Your dream comes from the tapestry of God. You can feel gratitude that it was placed in your heart. You can feel gratitude that only you can fulfill the calling of that dream. You can let your dream guide you to where it wants to take you. After all, when you go to sleep and dream at night, it is a sacred space for incubation of your gifts. When you sleep you can poise yourself to unveil your inner knowledge. Your inner states inform you of your emotions, which are clues to your dream’s destiny. Consider your capabilities to manifest what is really that same energy of creation that brought you to life. Keep remembering that it is so much larger than Ourselves.
When you actualize yourself along with your dream, it is truly for the greater good. When you take a moment to think about it, Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that changed American history forever! That’s what dreams can do!
It is not intended to be a play on words, to say that we can all awaken to live our dream. Are you ready to embrace your dream today?
Moreen’s holistic Mind, Body, Spirit philosophy integrates traditional and alternative modalities in all of her endeavors. As a NJ Licensed Social Worker (MSW), she has worked in both clinical and non- clinical settings with individuals of all age.
She is a certified Life Purpose and Career Coach through The Life Purpose Institute. She uses a strength’s based approach to bring out the best in others. She also has had training in Heart Centered Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Level II), Masters’ level Reiki as well as other Communication modalities that includes Parenting Education.
She brings her unique presence into her practice. She is an intuitive, compassionate, authentic individual who has embraced challenges on her own life-journey. She is a cancer survivor twice and parent of 2 adult daughters. Currently her passion is for reading and writing metaphysical, transformational and self-help literature.
Publications: “Self Trust, Self Care, Self Signature” Chapter 23 in The Confident Woman: Tapping Into Your Inner Power. Professional Woman Publishing, Edited by Linda Ellis Eastman 2013.
To be released (January 2014): “Rebalance Your Reality”, Chapter in The Female Leader. Professional Woman Publishing, Edited by Linda Ellis Eastman.
Co-author of Your Heart’s Magical Journey. A meditative, inspirational book dedicated to children of all age. It uses the earth’s treasures as guides to foster self-knowledge, self-esteem while promoting health and balance. (In process)
Additional publications in progress.
Available for Free Lance writing projects, she may be contacted at 732-754-8681 or
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