How To Be Friends With Your Ex – Missing Your Ex?
So you want to learn ways to become friends with an ex lover. You being able to re-establish friendship with an ex is surely a springboard to stop your ex from leaving you… and turn the tables completely. In this write-up, I’m going to talk about how to be friends with your ex.

Missing My Ex? Your ex will leave you for good unless you listen closely to what I’m about to say. Logically, you can’t simply convince your ex to take you back with words alone. In fact, that almost always makes things worse. So whatever you do, do not try and talk your way back into your ex's heart because that's a recipe for disaster. No amount of logic and reasoning is going to convince your ex to give the relationship another shot Instead you have to tap into their emotions and essentially make your ex fall back in love with you so that they will ignore logic and give in to their feelings. That’s how you rebuild a romantic relationship and there isn’t any other easy way to win your ex back.

Of course the question now is; how to become friends with your ex? How do you rebuild that attraction that your ex once fell for, so that he or she decides on their own that they want to get back together?

Well, there are a number of things you could do to make these happen. I'm only going to give you a few examples here in this write-up but these methods are described in full detail in the Ex Factor Guide program. So if you're interested in learning more please visit and sign-up for the program to get more info and guidance on rebuilding the attraction and ultimately; how to get your ex back into your life. Please watch this short video as I explain a little on the process of becoming friends with an ex.

Now, the first thing you can do to becoming friends with your ex is often quite counter-intuitive and that is to simply stop talking to your ex. Yes, you heard me correctly. Ignoring your ex and shutting down all forms of communication with him or her is one effective means to make your ex miss you. As crazy as that sounds, I promise you that works extremely well. There are several things you can do that can help change the way your ex feels about you and the relationship; one effective method is to remind your ex of the positive aspects of your time together, you can do this on the phone and it's often easier via text message.

All you need to do is find a logical and justifiable reason to send your ex a text message that will remind them of the happy fun memories that you shared together. Here's a sample text message you might send to your ex. You might say something like; “Hey, thought I’d give you a quick call to let you know that the Premiere of SPECTRE 007 (James Bond) is starting on Sunday. Thought you should know since the last movie we watched was so good. Thanks, talk soon!”

I can assure you that if you send the right text at the right time, you’ll be well on your way to establishing the proper state of rapport with your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend to be able to persuade him or her back into your life again.

Now, if you're having trouble thinking of what to text or say to your ex to spark this kind of happy memories, please consider signing up for my coaching program to start rebuilding those feelings of mutual attraction; eventually get your ex back at

Thank you very much for reading, good-luck out there.

Donald Specter is a certified relationship counselor and an editor at and, where he writes about modern dating and resolving relationship conflicts.

Author's Bio: 

Hi, I am Vanessa Moore, a relationship coach specializing in breakups and dating.

On my website you will find the complete guide to bring your ex back to you, here's the link again: How To Make Your Ex Want You Back

Wish you godspeed...