Meridians of Acupuncture
Modern understanding of meridians includes the notion that vital energy is information, and information travels as energy throughout the meridians and beyond to all parts of the body. It is the way the body has to disseminate and orchestrate the myriad of information that needs to reach each individual cell within the body. Research on meridians indicates that they are pathways of different energies, carriers of specialized information.
Think of meridians as highways. You go on & off highways using on & off ramps. The acupuncture points are like the ramps—where we can have access to, and directly influence, the energy in the meridians.
The skin surface of the body is divided in twelve regions, according to the energy of each of the twelve principal meridians. They are interconnected to a number of other web-like vessels traveling just beneath the skin extending this complex and complete system that makes reflexology possible on the face and over the rest of the body
The meridians have symmetrical patterns both on the right and on the left (except for those uniquely located in the center of the body)—the twelve principal meridians on the right have their mirror image on the left. Also note that vital energy flows through the meridians in a set direction, like a one-way street.
Reflex Zones
As we already know, the skin is like a third lung. The element Metal is responsible for managing the interface between internal and external energies. Further, the skin is a reflexive organ with a patch work of reflex zones. This property stems from the huge energetic network of channels connecting the energy of the organs to the surface of the skin. It means that the skin reflects the internal activity of the body, viewed from the outside. Most people have heard of reflexology but they think it is limited to the bottom of the feet. Few know that the entire skin surface has a reflective quality. That is why proper skin evaluation can provide precious telltale signs. Most often, when something goes wrong inside the body, the skin lets us know in a visible way before it becomes a serious health condition. It is only when we ignore the warning signs that the condition might evolve to a more critical stage.
All five organic energies are reflected on the face, as well as the hormonal energy, making the face a mirror of our internal activity.
The organ-system reflected on each area of the face is identified by the color of the corresponding element.
Reflexology Expanded
The skin, in its entirety, is connected to the inner vital energy network of the body. The skin communicates information and at the same time it represents a medium to balance the energetic network.
Skin reflexology should extend beyond defining the nature of a problem, and should provide an energetic solution. It needs to include work at the two levels of matter (skin/body) and (vital) energy. As we will see, certain tools are more adapted for work at one level than at the other.
Jon Canas is the author of Energetic Skincare, Naturally! ( It explains how to apply the principles of energy medicine to achieve superior results with spa treatments and skincare regimentation at home. He is a contributing author to the authoritative Milady’s Standard Esthetics Advanced Textbook (pg.# 242-245, Orential Reflex Zones of the Face). He has authored over a dozen trade articles for the spa industry. He is a frequent speaker at Beauty & Spa trade shows and conferences.
Jon canas is also president of the Swiss company, Laboratoire Gibro S.A. exclusive manufacturer of the energetic skincare line PHYTO 5®, based on the unique wellness method known as Phytobiodermie® ( He is president of Phyto Distribution Inc, the Florida based company distributing PHYTO 5® products in the US.
Originally from France, Jon went to Cornell University, Northeastern and Harvard. His first career was in the hotel industry: he was a V.P. of Sheraton and C.E.O. of Omni Hotels. His home is in Central Florida.
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