Meditation of Manifestation

My life manifests itself by way of the Supreme Principles of Being. The Supreme Principles of Being is an Intelligent Energy System established by Infinite Consciousness which allows Energy Transference to take place through out All of Existence. I use these Principles with every conscious or unconscious Thought, Feeling, Word and Deed that I express. This Energy System that I use is made of neutral Energy which is transformed into positive energy that creates All Manifestations, Circumstances, Experiences and Environments into my life. Positive attracts to its self positive; so when I think, feel, or speak positive things, positive Manifestations, Circumstances, Experiences and Environments are attracted to me.

My thoughts, feelings, words and deeds are energy vibrations with a powerful force and they have specific energy frequencies. I think, feel, speak, write and do good things outward into the universal substance and they attract to themselves all of the good things that have that same energy frequency. Everything that I think, feel, speak or do is positive, and it returns to me everything that is positive. Every time I think, I am sending out a powerful energy vibration with an absolute frequency. Every time I express an emotion, I am sending out powerful energy vibrations with an absolute frequency. Every time I speak words or write words, I am sending out powerful energy vibrations with absolute frequency. Every time I do any deeds, I am sending out powerful energy vibrations with absolute frequency. These energy vibrations I send out moment by moment is continuously constructing and manifesting my future life. The energy vibrations I continue to send out through my thoughts, feelings, words spoken, words written and deeds done into the Universe become my life and my physical environment.

All thoughts, feelings, words and deeds are matter with life and power of their own. The Supreme Principles of Being of this Universe are natural Principles of existence. The only things that come into my life or reality appears to me by my persistent thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.

My Feelings (emotions) give me insight on what I am thinking. I am happy and full of excitement, and I know that I am thinking the right thoughts. When I am thinking the right thoughts, I know that my feelings are positive.

Unconditional Love is the most powerful energy vibration that I express. The more Unconditional Love that I feel for everybody and everything, the greater the positive energy vibration will be, that I am sending out and receiving.

Every thought, feeling, word and deed that I speak or do puts the Supreme Principles of Being to work, producing what I ask for. I bring things into manifestation because I have a Strong Internal Knowingness in what I am thinking, feeling, speaking or doing. I know that whatever I am bringing into manifestation is already mine before it physically manifests. I am very clear in my thoughts, feelings, words and deeds of what I need, and by doing this; they come into my life. I know deep within myself that I have already received my need, this knowingness brings forth the people, events, and circumstances that are necessary for the fulfillment of my need to come into reality. I make sure that I always feel the positive feelings that I will feel once my need is manifest.

I envision in my mind that I am using those things which I need; this brings it into reality. The feelings that I generate while envisioning myself using what I need, gives The Supreme Principles of Being powerful energy vibrations of good to bring it into manifestation. I know that by constructively using my thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds, I harness the Principles of the Universe into fulfilling my needs on every level of existence.

It is very important for me to focus on unlimited abundance if I want to bring more unlimited abundance into my life. I have to know that I have Unlimited supply. Unlimited Abundance flows to me in great amounts.

My power is my thoughts, feelings, written words, spoken words and deeds. I am always aware of how I think, feel, write, speak and do; therefore, only good can come to me. I think it, so I have it.

Author's Bio: 

White Wolf is the founder of (New Earth) and (Awaken Memory X) they are organization in the field of Spiritual Awakening,Mind Expansion,Sustainable and Healthy Living.

White Wolf is Author of 5 books: (Awaken),(Success),(New Earth Way),(New Earth Living & Wilderness Survival)and(Personal Guide for Sustainable and Healthy Living).

White Wolf has 2 Degrees one in Environmental Science/Conservation and one in Wildlife/Forestry/Conservation. He is also a Master Naturalist through the University Of Florida IFAS Extension and has worked for the Florida Department of Natural Resource Management as a Research Assistant.

White Wolf has over 20 years experience as Spiritual Awakening Guide and Teacher of Environmental Awareness,Wilderness Living/Survival Skills,Ethno-botany, Wildlife Observation, Primitive Ceremonies and Tool Replication.