Look around you what do you see? How are you feeling? Are you leading the life that you desire, or does everything seem to be a struggle?
It is a very hard concept to accept I know, but at some level you have asked for, or attracted, everything that you are currently experiencing. You are very successful in manifesting what you are thinking and feeling about on a regular basis, so you will realise how crucial it is to monitor your thoughts and feelings. However, you will see also that if you can master your thoughts and feelings, your can be successful in manaifesting wealth also, and indeed anything that you desire. The Universe sets no limit upon what you may desire, and there is no doubt that your life can be vastly and totally improved upon what you are currently experiencing. Also on the basis that most of us have in the tens of thousands of thoughts per day, it is also important to focus upon which of these thoughts are most important to you.
You see that we are we are all part of a unified "one" - At one with God if you like to see it that way - His thoughts are our thoughts, and His thoughts will always be implemented manifested!
In order to isolate and focus upon which thoughts are important and which you want to manifest, write them down, before you go to bed, trust and accept that all you have asked for will be given. Make it believable to avoid excessive subconscious resistance and then just trust that the Universe wants to give to you and will find a way.
We must strive always to think differently to improve our lot, and we must stop our negativity accumulating. This is a tough one I appreciate, when all seems to be working against you, but to stop the circle, you must change the way that you are feeling now! Try this technique, not mine, but very effective:-
Most self improvement programs fail, because they don't work in the moment. When we have a negative feeling, we must correct it in the moment, don't allow it to accumulate. This is exactly what flip switch does. From time to time during the day, take at least 17 seconds to think about good feelings. Think of the people or things that you feel good about, and feel grateful for. Think of anything that makes you feel good, and focus on that for 17 seconds. You can do this when you are feeling bad, so that you can feel good; you can also do it when you feel good, so that you will feel even better. I suggest you make a list of things that you feel grateful for, or things you enjoy doing. Look at that list several times during the day, and focus on it for just 17 seconds. You will see dramatic changes in your life.
Gratitude for the good things in your life is vital. The Universe responds to gratitude, just as you do to those who are grateful and appreciate you.
Another gratitude exercise is as follows:-
The exercise consists of 3 steps in 3 minutes: step one: disconnect just briefly from your problems. Once you have made the deal with yourself, this step is done. The second step is to think of how you would feel if your desires had already come true, really experience it in your mind. The third step is to say thank you, mean it, and feel grateful.
Then trust and let it be. You will find there are times when you worry about whether your desires will be fulfilled. When this happens, you must remind yourself of the Universal truth.
That which I seek is seeking me. I let go of how it will come to me and I focus on my heart's desire. My higher self within me knows how to make it happen, so I just relax and let go. Everything that is necessary for the fulfilment of my desires is lovingly and harmoniously drawn to me. I accept this or something better. I am ready, receptive and grateful, and so it is.
Relax now, be at peace, and watch the magic happen!
Total Peace, Spiritual Bliss, Health Wealth and happiness await you!
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