We all have dreams. They start with a simple idea and soon grow into a possibility. And as time goes on, they begin to feel more and more real. We even start to believe that they could actually happen. We really begin to see ourselves living our dreams. We can almost taste them they seem so real.

Our dreams are our passions met with action. We take all of our talents that are swirling around inside of us, and we map out a plan of how we can put these talents to good use.

So often, we have a great idea and even map it out, but we forget to take action steps to make it happen – to bring it to life. So many of us are sitting on our dreams waiting for them to come true. But what we need to remember is that we have to make them come true. We are in control of our own destiny – we hold the key to our own happiness.

If we want to bring something into our life, we have to make room by letting go of something else.

I have found in my own life that many of my dreams remain in my head and heart unless I make room for them. I have to clear out some space in order for them to blossom. Before I can even think about nurturing them, giving them energy and love, and setting them into motion, I have to take a hard look at my life and see what I can get rid of in order to give this new part of me – this dream – space to grow.

And this process isn’t always the easiest. Saying goodbye to certain parts of yourself or certain comforts and securities in your life can be painful. Even if you know that you need and want to let go of them in order to come into your essence – your best life – you still have to go through the grieving process and say goodbye.

I have been learning this in my own life as I continue the transition from crafter to writer. Today I said goodbye to a website that has brought in hundreds of wholesale accounts for our company over the last seven years. I feel both excited and scared at the same time. When we step into our dream – our true selves – all sorts of emotions are bound to surface. The reason I did this was because I have clearly laid out a vision for my dream. And I know that in this vision I spend my days writing and inspiring. Making products is no longer a part of this plan. It used to be, but dreams change. And while I am grateful to have been a crafter and owned my own business and been successful at it, I feel in my soul that it is no longer my passion. I am making room for my new life to emerge – I am slowly saying goodbye to these parts of my old life that no longer fit into my dream.

Now It’s Your Turn
Think about one dream – we all have them. It could be anything that you wish for your life. And now imagine that you are living it. Picture yourself in it – however that looks. Feel it, see it, smell it, taste it. Be there.

And now come back to the present and look at your life right now. Choose one thing that is a part of your life now that isn’t a part of your dream life. Is this something that you can let go of? (You don’t have to start with the hardest thing to release. I would suggest starting with letting go of something small to begin with so you don’t overwhelm yourself. Setting yourself up for success is so important!)

I began my own letting go process almost one year ago, and the process will continue until I am fully on board with my dream and ready to commit all of the way. But I am slowly making room for this new life, and I encourage you to begin this process as well.

Remembering that we need to take action to live our dreams is crucial. Now all we have to do is take the first step, make some room, and get ready to soar!

Author's Bio: 

Jodi Chapman is the author of the blog, Soul Speak; the upcoming book, Coming Back to Life; and the bestselling Soulful Journals series, co-authored with her husband, Dan Teck. www.jodichapman.com