“If only you could love enough, you would be
the happiest and most powerful being in the world.”
– Emmet Fox
LOVE! It's what we all want and, for many of us, it's the most difficult thing to both find and hold on to. In my opinion, the most important thing to know about love is where it comes from.
As you've been trying your best to find love "out there," you've been looking for love in all the wrong places. And, all the while, an infinite reservoir of love has been available to you if you would only look within.
As you connect with and radiate love from the Inside Out, the Law of Attraction matches that love vibration and you easily and naturally attract love back.
You may be familiar with Anita Moorjani, the lovely woman who speaks and writes about her near death experience. As she sums up her extraordinary journey from cancer to near death to true healing, she says, "My real message is that at our core we are love. It's who we are."
Love is your natural state. Love is Who You Really Are. Love is your essence and flows from an infinite wellspring within.
When you access love from the Inside Out:
* you broadcast love and attract love back
* your vibration is high and YOU FEEL GOOD
* your health improves and you’re filled with energy and vitality
* your relationships become more joyful
* you’re a magnet for your desires and fabulous opportunities show up for you everywhere you look.
"Like waves in an ocean, we are made of love. We arise out of love, and to love we will always return."
– Michael Neill
Enjoy Sonia’s experience with the power of love:
Sonia’s husband left the family when her son, Carlos, was 6. By the time Carlos was 18, he was angry and frustrated, often treating his mother with disrespect. His abusive language and dismissive attitude toward her were a huge source of suffering for Sonia and she often responded by demanding that he behave and treat her with the respect she deserved as his mother. As you can imagine, demanding respect from a surly teenager only escalated the problem.
Upon the advice of her coach, Sonia decided to stop reacting and trying to get him to change and instead focused on changing herself. She absolutely refused to argue with him anymore and, no matter what angry words he hurled at her, she looked him in the eye and silently said, “I love you, Carlos.” Although the situation did not turn around immediately, Sonia began to feel better and she began to feel more in control of herself and more empowered. And, probably most importantly, she began to once again feel unconditional love for her Darling Carlos.
As the weeks progressed, Sonia held fast to her decision to respond to him only with love. Soon her inner shift reflected an improvement in her outer world and Carlos’ anger seemed to disappear like the morning dew. He began to open up and talk with her about his suffering and they became a team again – like they had been when he was a child. The bond of love between this mother and son was never broken. It was only waiting to be revived.
As Sonia radiated love to Carlos, she magnetized it back to herself. There’s nothing that cannot be resolved with the power of love!
Love – like everything else – comes from the Inside Out. As you tap into your inner wellspring of love, you vibrate in alignment with Source.
Accessing the love within you and extending that love to others is the answer to every question, the solution to every problem. As the Beatles sing, “All you need is love.”
Now, take a moment and ask yourself:
* In what ways can I be more kind and loving to myself today?
* In what ways can I be more kind and loving to others today?
Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her three ebooks - "Dining at the Cosmic Cafe, How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire;” “Manifesting from the Inside Out with the Law of Attraction;” and "Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction" - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, download a free copy of her ebook "Magical Musings on the Law of Attraction," and subscribe to her ezine, visit Gold Star Coaching.
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