Sometimes we want something so badly, and we work so hard to get it. We struggle and sweat and pour our entire beings into it until it happens, it's reality, and it's part of our world.
And sometimes it's completely worth it, and it's exactly what we hoped it would be.
If it's a job we fought hard to get - we saw ourselves in this position, and now that we are here we see that it's even better than we hoped it would be.
If it's a relationship that we yearned for - we met that special someone and are living in happily ever after every day.
If it's a pair of shoes that we saw in the store window that we just knew would be perfect for that new outfit we just bought - and sure enough, we tried them on and they fit better than we even imagined they would.
And it's wonderful when life works out like this. It's amazing when everything fits together in a perfect package with the most beautiful bow on top. We deserve this life - we are worth having everything fall into place where it can flow easily.
And we are also worth recognizing if and when things stop flowing and start bringing us down. It's okay to let go of a dream, relationship, job, or anything else if it no longer fits us.
Not everything is going to feel exactly like we hoped it would when it was just a dream. But if you don't go for your dream, you will never know.
And sometimes it will feel exactly right at first - or even for awhile. And then one day you wake up and realize that you have grown out of it. It's no longer your dream.
When this happens (if it happens), take a deep breath and begin to let this dream go.
Begin the process of moving on. Take the experiences with you - take the lessons with you - and move forward to your next dream knowing how truly grateful you were to have gone for it and lived with it and be on the other side of it now.
If your dream no longer feels like your dream, know that it's more than okay to let it go.
There are plenty more out there, and I know that you'll find another one that fits you and feels just right for where you are right now in this moment.
Jodi Chapman is the author of the inspirational blog, Soul Speak; the upcoming book, Coming Back to Life: How an Unlikely Friend Helped Me Reclaim My True Spirit; and the bestselling Soulful Journals series, co-authored with her amazing husband, Dan Teck.
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