So I’ve realized lately that my definition of the Law of Attraction or at least my view of it is somewhat different than all the others you will see larking on the web. If you Google the phrase you will get a ton of sites claiming to give you instant wealth and riches and stating that your dreams will come true in a few days with their “simple formula” and purchase of a several hundred dollar audio book. I have a difficult time with these.
There are some thinkers who I believe are amazing and have helped shape my views and ideas around this topic, one being Louise Hay the “mother of positive thinking” as Oprah calls her. Her book You can Heal your life is an amazing read for anyone trying to get their mind in the right space and realize the power they have over their life. Another book that impacted me is A New Earth by Ekhart Tolle who helps you realize and become aware of being present in the moment and removing labels form your life, allowing you to find a deeper purpose and meaning.
But there are many others out there that I think try to take advantage of people who genuinely want to better their lives. They promise wealth (this is the most annoying of all!). I have my hates, trust! And honestly most of them are people who came to The Secret or the Law of Attraction to get rich quick! I hope that works for them, honestly I do, but for me it’s so much deeper then all that. It’s about changing the PERSON you ARE. About changing your belief system, and your mindset and consequently your entire life.
That’s so powerful.
What is money? You’re probably LOL-ing right now! But seriously what is it? One of my favorite questions to ask people who seek my advice, and who say their goal is to make a lot of money or a specific dollar figure is, WHY? Why is it important to you? And 9/10 times I get “because I will get what I want. I want that amount of money”. ….Peeeooopple!!…money is just PAPER!! It’s what it enables you to do that matters!
So what, you got money! Are you happy? Is your family better off? Do they love you more? Do you feel less alone? And to the bigger question, what did it bring you? If you can’t answer these questions in specific detail, then praise god The Law of Attraction hasn’t been working for you! Just sayin! You need to be able to get away from MONEY as being the only measure of success and focus on what it enables you to experience in life.
If you get what I’m saying then we are on the right path. Let’s say you have a million dollars fall into your lap (to be real I hope that happens to me! But…it hasn’t yet!) If you have never planned for this, and have no goals/visions for your life you will become a Lottery Winning Statistic. They will run a show about your life on E! True Hollywood Story (confession: I love watching that show!). That’s what happens when all you asked for is money! You go out and blow it on nothing, and in a minute it is gone. Your friends are gone, your family hates you, and people wish this on themselves???
To me what the Law of Attraction means is that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, AND MONEY IS IRRELEVANT. Money is OUR limitation that WE impose on our dreams. It has nothing to do with the Law of Attraction. If you focus on the experiences and the quality of life you desire, and you move positively in that direction, then in time those EXPERIENCES will fall in your lap, and money will not have been an issue.
Don’t believe me? I kinda don’t blame you. It goes against everything you have been taught since you were old enough to understand what the word Money meant. We are taught that those who have it have success (and granted this is often true), but was it true in the BEGINNING, before their success? How did they become successful? Look at the road they traveled and I promise you the majority of the people you admire in life, started this same way; without money, but with desire, a dream, and belief. If you need examples and proof, read my story.
Did a huge weight fall off your shoulders just now learning this? Because that's how you should feel. How stressful is it to put up a Vision Board and then try to think of how you can get enough money to make all that happen? That is called doubt and fear. It's not your job to worry about how any of that can be possible, it's your job the BELIEVE that it is. The "how" is irrelevant.
I love hip-hop for the reason that it’s the Law of Attraction happening right before your eyes. Maybe that’s also why I love working with athletes. Both these two groups have lived and understood the concept of The Law of Attraction since the moment they had a dream. They did all the steps (though most have never heard of it until I tell them about it), but their life is living proof that it works.
Think about it….
Take an athlete for example. When they are a small child they find love and passion in their sport. Then they find a professional athlete to admire. They see that life, they watch them play on TV and they say “that will be me one day”. Notice they DON'T say, "I want to do that, or man I wish that was me", they Affirm that it WILL BE. They don't stress about it they just know. Then they hit the gym, they practice, they perfect their craft, all the while in every moment of every day, playing the movie in their head of what it will be like to BE that athlete living that dream. I call it the Relentless Pursuit (a phrase, admittedly I am taking from an athlete I’ve worked with who has it tattooed on his arms…but he knows I’m using it and that I’m obsessed with it). Most athletes I work with NEVER doubted for a moment that they would reach their dream. It's a given in their mind.
Let me say that again…..Most of these athletes BELIEVED with EVERY fiber of their being that if they worked hard, their dream would come true. Period, end of story. That’s what you call unwavering faith! It’s truly amazing and inspiring to think about. There is no doubt in their mind that with time, and hard work their dreams will come true.They have envisioned it in detail and obsessed over it to the point where it's as natural as breathing.
Then the day comes. Their dream is realized. They ARE that athlete living that big life with all the components they imagined one day experiencing (fast cars, the big game, fame, beautiful homes, travel ect). It’s even more interesting that the higher you get up that food-chain the more money stops being a factor all together. Someone PAYS THEM to wear shoes (example: NIKE endorsements) they no longer need to go to the mall to buy them. They are GIVEN keys to the most expensive cars on the planet, no down payment required. Many get to a point where they don’t even pay for anything anymore. Drinks, dinners, cars, clothes it’s all given to them.
And ladies, if I just lost you with the sports references, what about Kim Kardashian? I know you've seen the episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashian's where UPS rolls up with boxes of Vira Wang dresses, for her to simply have her pick of any dress she wants, and she get's PAID to ware it!!
If there was ever a perfect example in my book of my view on the Law of Attraction this is it!
My definition of the Law of Attraction: you get back what you put out. Good or bad. In other words, what you obsess over will eventually be your reality. That’s intense. It works both ways, so handle with caution!
The ingredient for success in my view:
Believe with Unwavering Faith
Work hard. Hustle don’t just sit on your ass and expect that if you think pretty/happy thoughts all this will fall in your lap. Get up and move in the direction of your dream!
Expect the outcome. There is a great quote from the song My Last with Big Sean and Chris Brown that says “I’m just doing better then what everybody projected, I KNEW that I’d be here, so if you ask me how I feel, I’ma just tell you it’s everything that I EXPECTED”. I love this. It’s such a simple example of how I think about the Law of Attraction. This is Affirmations and Visualization. Just keep playing that movie in your head over, and over, and over again. Let it inspire you and make you happy. The art of daydreaming.
Recognize and be grateful when it all starts showing up. Gratitude is key. You knew it would come. You prepared for this moment for a long time. Sit back and enjoy every single second of your “Pinch me Moment”.
That’s it. It’s common sense really. It’s not as complex as everyone makes it out to be. I’m not saying it’s easy or human nature. It takes work, but it doesn’t take too long after you put the good work in for this all to be your human nature.
Be patient and never give up, results will follow.
Sarah Centrella is a writer and author of the motivational blog Thoughts.Stories.Life. She is a single mother of 3 small children who when from "nothing" to something in 2 years using the Law of Attraction. She is a director of Business Development for a Portland software company, Motivational Speaker, and Life Coach. Her blog offers an interactive advise column on life issues and the Law of Attraction.
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