A good induction program for new employees offers multiple benefits for your company, some of which are often overlooked. We present some of the benefits that you and your new employees will receive. If you want to know more, here you can know the perfect way of online induction.

It is the integration between a social system and the new members that enter it and is the set of processes through which they learn the value system, the rules, and the behavior patterns required by the company they enter. Likewise, the new employee must learn the basic objectives of the organization, the means chosen to achieve the objectives, the responsibilities inherent to the position he will perform in the company; the behavior patterns required for the effective performance of the function and the set of rules or principles that maintain the identity and integrity of the company.

Benefits of labor induction for your company

1. Legal aspects of labor induction

Labor induction is indirectly included in the principles of Law, Law on Safety and Health at Work. These include, for example, the responsibility of the employer to establish the means and conditions that protect the physical and mental integrity of the workers, and the training of the personnel on the part of the employer on the risks of the work activity.

For the control and supervision of labor induction, the regulation contemplates the execution of processes and mechanisms that ensure standards of work such as the creation of the Committee or Supervisor of Safety and Health at Work, the guidelines of the Safety Management System and Health at Work, and the basic content of all internal safety regulations.

2. Difference between training and employment induction

The regulation of Law makes an important difference between training and induction of work that it is necessary to specify in order to understand the benefits of the latter.
According to the regulations, training is an "activity that consists of transmitting theoretical and practical knowledge for the development of skills, abilities and skills about the work process, the prevention of risks, safety and health". The induction, on the other hand, is the "initial training aimed at granting knowledge and instructions to the worker so that he executes his work in a safe, efficient and correct way".

The regulations of Law divide the inductions into two types:
General induction: training for the worker on general topics such as politics, benefits, services, facilities, standards, practices, and knowledge of the employer's work environment, carried out before taking up his position.
Specific Induction: training that provides the worker with the information and the necessary knowledge that prepares him for his specific work.

3. Benefits of labor induction

Labor induction is a way to reduce the uncertainty of the new worker in the company. A fundamental aspect of employment induction is to facilitate the employee's adaptation to the corporate culture and risk prevention policies, which benefits the company by reducing learning time in the assimilation of the new position.

It is also necessary to point out that induction is an excellent opportunity for new employees to learn in a specific way the internal processes and the structure of the company in case of occupational risks. In this way, the reaction to any work incident will be in the most immediate way, the more prepared the new worker is in his executive and preventive functions.

Finally, labor induction is a way of generating value within the company itself. The professional profile of new workers is not enough at the moment of joining a new company with certain job security characteristics and policies. Thus, new employees increase their social and emotional capacity to benefit the company's objectives for the development of a coherent work plan according to quality standards.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover.