Sometimes we think of thoughtfulness when we think of kindness. Recently I read where Doreen Virtue refers to kindness as "Lovefulness". When I read that it resonated with me and made me stop and reflect. I like to think of kindness as an expression or action filled with Love. Love filled expression, or action, can be directed outwardly toward others or inwardly toward ourselves. Today, I challenge you to show kindness toward yourself first in some way, shape or form. By doing so, you will have the ability to show Kindness to others more authentically, naturally and effortlessly.

Use this link a mindful exercise to help you claim loving kindness:

Living in Kindness,

Author's Bio: 

Nancy Gentle Boudrie, Owner and Founder of Awaken With Light, Inc. is a Talk Show Radio Host, Usui Reiki master and teacher, Certified Angel Intuitive®, Integrated Energy Therapy® Advanced Practitioner, as well as a certified meditation instructor and practitioner. She is committed to enhancing the quality of life in others by illuminating the path to self-discovery, wellness and positive living. Check her out on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment channel, Gentle Power Radio: