Keep Things Moving

Everything in life is moving and it should be no different in your home. If you bring something in, something needs to go out. If you don’t do this, you’ll find clutter accumulating all around. With clutter comes dust, then frustration because you can’t find things, then arguments as to who hid your stuff and before you know it life spirals out of control.

Nip the problem in the bud. Or, if the bud has bloomed and is spreading, start taking back control. The next time you come across something that needs to be repaired, returned or taken somewhere else, move it in that direction. Of course take a minute to decide if it is still worth keeping. It may have been lurking in the back of the closet for 10 years.

If it is of value, get it back into circulation. Put it in the car, fix it now or give it to the next person out the door to return it to the neighbor or the store. It’s not going to get there by itself.

If you have it in your car, you never know when you might be passing by the dry cleaners, grandma’s or repair shop and can quickly get this task taken care of. It will never happen if it is sitting in the corner of your home or office. Now get moving. I believe there’s a phrase for this called “the circle of life”.

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Happy Organizing!

Kim Cosentino, Professional Organizer
Owner, The De-Clutter Box, est'94
Chicago, IL     630-968-7557

Author's Bio: 

Kim Cosentino,
Professional Organizer, Owner
The De-Clutter Box
Westmont, IL. 60559