I used to HATE marketing. In fact, I used to use four letter words in front of the word "marketing" when I thought about doing it. I just wanted coaching clients, why did I have to do this torturous act? So, I stopped marketing. My joy raised and my stress went down, down, down.
My epiphany came when my good friend, Kathy Fettke, did a year-end completion coaching process with me and I declared that I was giving up marketing for good. Phew! What a relief. I felt so free. And then I began to see the light.
It was good for my business to be out in the world and seen by new market segments. Everyone on the planet could value from working with a coach, right?! NOT! I began seeing that I had to get out there and give people an experience of what I do and how their lives could be impacted by my tools, mentoring and coaching. That sounded fun. And it was.
What I figured out is that I had to see myself as an expert in my field and share my knowledge. I did it in ways that I enjoyed. Was I marketing? More than ever! That's what was so funny. Here I was proclaiming my freedom from marketing and yet I was interviewed on radio and television spouting my advice and plugging my website and services. I began writing an ezine every week, not just once a month whenever I got around to it. And now I have a very detailed marketing calendar for the year and I get off on creating it!
Where does this new relationship with marketing come from? I use inspiration and intention to make it effective. People actually email me with praise for my "marketing" emails. I love it! I pour my heart into every article, email, blog, Tweet, FaceBook post and free cd I send. I do each thing when I feel inspired. If I don't enjoy a marketing strategy, it doesn't happen. I don't care if every colleague I have uses a specific strategy and gets rockstar results, if I'm not connected to the process from my heart, it won't yield results.
When I send out a free cd, I see the action as a minimum of $10,000 in my pocket. I intend that it will inspire my ideal clients to come forth, when they're ready, and buy a product or service from me. I'm committed to delivering the goods in excellence so they'll become lifetime raving fans.
Marketing is an action. Action doesn't create a result. It's all about what is driving the action. You need to be fully into it before, during and after the action for it to create the impact that you want. And once people start knocking on your door, you've got to educate them on their next step, how to best utilize what you offer and who is your ideal client or customer. They have to easily know if you're a HELL YES decision for them.
Once you're consistent and happy with your intentional marketing, you have to be so sure of yourself that you never get attached to the who, what, when and how. Yes, you can be intentional about those things, but unattached. You have to be calm and confident when you launch a rockin' campaign or have "the talk" with the decision maker and they don't jump immediately into bed with you.
Your marketing results can always be charted by what feelings you have going on behind the scenes. If you have stress about the timing, are pushing for dollars in your pocket right now or are just going through the emotions, you're marketing impact will reflect that.
If you're not in the flow, it's not a good time to push ‘send'.
Jeanna Gabellini, is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs, corporate leaders & their teams to leverage fun, systems and intentionality for high-octane results. An entrepreneur for 20 years she has a treasure trove of kick-butt tools to give you peace & profits. A Gift For You! Get your complimentary Business Building Audio CD “Transforming from Chaotic Entrepreneur to Conscious Leader” for the entrepreneur who wants to be a SUPERpreneur:
Biz Building CD.
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