Oprah hosts an annual vacation for her employees.

Martha Stewart hosts an Annual Wedding Event at the Plaza Hotel (New York).

The Obama’s host a themed picnic every summer. What do you do?

What’s your Signature event? You know that thing that you host and people simply can’t wait to run out to their mailbox and get their invitation. Or do you not have one? As a business owner who is looking for unique, creative and inspirational ways to take your business out into the marketplace in a big bold way, hosting an annual event is an excellent area to start.

Hosting your very own signature event allows you to affirm your brand. What do you value? What do you stand for? For example, companies that are family centered tend to host events that are open to everyone. They want to see your children running around playing tag, tugging on the bottom of your skirt while you pour more lemonade. Companies that are not as “family centered,” may encourage you to leave everyone at home and come “stag.” Companies that are more altruistic tend to pull together events around giving back to the community. One of my former companies hosted a “Clean up the Bay” day. Those that promote leadership and team building are looking for opportunities for employees to be able to get out and work through opportunities that allow them to build those “leadership muscles.”

So, by now many of you are asking how in the world you are to be expected to host an annual event when you are a company of one! I’m so glad you asked. The sky is truly the limit on what type of event you can host. For example: a wine tasting party, a themed brunch or luncheon, dinner and theater, salsa classes, gourmet cooking classes, picnic, sports lessons or rock climbing, etc…
If you are looking for a little direction when it comes to putting together your events, consider these three things:

Be Creative
Don’t look around to see what everyone else is doing! Who cares? This is your opportunity to really start making your mark. Your event could be for the general public, your loyal customers (giving them something to look forward to) or your employees. Just decide on something that really represents who you are.

Align the Event  With Your Values and Purpose
If you center your event around the things that matter most to you and your company, then it will be much easier for you to “justify doing it.” The problem is, many people throw a holiday party or annual family picnic because they think it is something they “should do.” They believe their employees “expect” them to do it. But guess what is the first thing to get cut when times are leaner—you got it? When you design an event that is in alignment with who you are as a company, then it becomes part of your fabric.

Size Doesn’t Matter
It doesn’t matter if you invite 5 or 500 the number of attendees is not a reflection of the quality of the event.  For example, a small company, a graphic design firm that hosted a “pottery painting party” for 15 of its most loyal clients would reap just as many benefits as the larger company that has over 1,000 attendees.

©2010 Jennifer Ransaw Smith

Author's Bio: 

Jennifer Ransaw Smith is a dynamic personal brand strategist, speaker and coach. She is the CEO of ROAR Coaching and Consulting (www.womenwhoroar.net), a personal branding company that empowers women entrepreneurs by giving them the tools they need to take their business to the next level, and co-founder of Brand id (http://www.yourbrandid.com) a marketing communications agency.